Programmer wanted


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Some years ago I have made a tool for windows mobile.
As I now use a use a Android phone and I like to port this application to android either by using
Eclipse or B4A. As I am not yet fluent in either of these IDE I's and neither Java I am interested to know if there are any good programmer available to outsource some of the task. Would be good if there was a section
"Programmer for hire" so one could get in touch with them....
If you are interested, post here, or send me a message to
dev1 @ ch4 . net



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Longtime User
what I like to know, if there is any pool of programmer using B4A.

- The programm has several data tables
with up to or more as 50000 records each

a location table should be connected to a frequency table a address table and a note table etc.
Once a location is filtered (using variouse filter methods) the result is presented. According selected location respective notes and frequencies etc should be displayed on several activities.

- import export functions
- SMS function
- email function
- send selected records to a email account and import records from that accound

so basically the main features are storing , filtering , exporting, importing data

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Active Member
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How much were you thinking of paying someone to code it?
Im sure if there was a fee payable you would have some people interested. Theres a number of people on this forum who could write a database style app to do that sort of thing?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have been doing some coding myself on Windows mobile platform. So far I have not yet purchased the software . It is part of my evaluation what kind of support I can expect from user using this tool.

I have outsourced some small projects via oDesk. So I am looking for some competitive rate... whatever that may be

I have been looking on oDesk about B4A developers but there was none....
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Active Member
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Well I would be happy to help where possible
Are you planning to have these database files stored on an SD card, or in the internet 'cloud'?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I am planning to store data on SD card. Some data sets will be sent to a MySQL database on the web, or as just as a csv file to web to be imported.

Let me check out some other things and I will get back to you.
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