B4A Library ProgressBar_JE

New ProgressBar library that displays values (in % or real values). You can choose the direction of the Bar movement. You can set an alarm for a certain value, when the Bar color changes or an event is triggered.

Author: Jerryk
Version: 1.2


  • Progress (Value As Float, realValue As Float)
Displays Bar by value according to Show Value property setting:
"%" - by Value (1-100),
"value" - by realValue in real values
  • SetAlarm1 (state As Boolean, value As Float, color1 As Int, color2 As Int)
Changes color when value is exceeded and triggers event
state - switch alarm on or off
value - in %
color1, color2 - set new gradient color
  • SetAlarm2 (state As Boolean, realvalue As Float, color1 As Int, color2 As Int)
Changes color when value is exceeded and triggers event
state - switch alarm on or off
realvalue - in real value
color1, color2 - set new gradient color

  • Direction As String
Sets direction of Bar movement: LeftToRight, RightToLeft, UpToDown, DownToUp
  • BackgroundColor As Int
Sets Background color
  • BarColor1, BarColor2 As Int
Sets Bar gradient color
  • ShowValue As String
Specifies the type of displayed value:
"%" - in % (1-100),
"value" - in real values
"off" - not display
  • Prefix As String
Sets prefix for values
  • Suffix As String
Sets suffix for values. Default is "%"
  • lBase As Label
For programmatically setting label properties (style, text size, color, gravity, etc.)

  • Alarm1 (Value as Float)
Triggered when SetAlarm1 is set and value is exceeded.
  • Alarm2 (realValue as Float)
Triggered when SetAlarm2 is set and value is exceeded.
  • Click (Value as Float)
Triggered when is clicked on ProgressBar.

  • 1.2 - added Click event


  • ProgressBar example.zip
    10.6 KB · Views: 38
  • ProgressBar_JE.b4xlib
    2.8 KB · Views: 20
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