Project: one database or 2 databases


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A Quick check with ChatGPT brought up a hint that might be interesting:

In MySQL, you can join tables from different databases by specifying the full database name before the table name. Here's an example of how to do this:

Suppose you have two databases, `database1` and `database2`, and you want to join tables from these two databases:

database1.table1 a
database2.table2 b
a.common_column = b.common_column;

In this example:
- `database1.table1` is the table from the first database.
- `database2.table2` is the table from the second database.
- `a` and `b` are aliases for the respective tables.
- `common_column` is the column that both tables share and which is used to perform the join.

This way, you can easily join tables from different databases in MySQL.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Ha ! It another question: if the data table source is splitted into several user DBs - if to get the pivot table, the ids are non-unique


Ha ! It another question: if the data table source is splitted into several user DBs - if to get the pivot table, the ids are non-unique
If you have bad DB design you should pay big price in development time. Sometime you have no choice, but use translation tables.
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