Hi everyone, i managed to get firebase working, with KEY approach instead of certificates.
Now i need to send notification with topics, and tokens.
on iOS i get the token when FCM connects with:
Sub GetToken As String
Dim no As NativeObject
Dim token As NativeObject = no.Initialize("FIRInstanceID").RunMethod("instanceID", Null).RunMethod("token", Null)
If token.IsInitialized Then Return token.AsString Else Return ""
End Sub
My questions are:
Is there a proper way to mange the tokens?*
How frequently they change?
Is there a sub that fires when the token changes, or I've to check every time the app is opened?
*now i've an api to update the token of the user on my online DB, that it's called everytime the app opens up and the token is different from the preovius stored (i don't know if doing so is correct)
Thanks in advance for the suggestions