Android Question protect the APK as good as possible


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My customer want's me to protect the APK as good as possible. Currently I use the release (obfuscated) to protect it. But I found also a tool "DexProtector" which do similar things. But this cost a awful lot of money. Do you really think this is much better?

Are there any other alternatives that you know of?

Best Regards,



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Hello Marcel,
@Informatix sells a sheet describing in details how to really understand how to and to protect an app. It would be cheaper
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This is probably very technical? Is there no easy tool that does this for you?
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Hi Marcel, I don't really know, since APK is a ZIP container for many files including the java compiled dex file.
Obfuscation is a minimum. after you have to use a Decompiler and what you get is not very very readable.

Anyway, retro engineering has always existed
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Ok, Thank you. Maybe something for a next release to improve the protection.
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(Interested to know how to do that)
How you do that?

Woww!!! Glad I caught you attention!!

Simple! Once you have Android NDK on your computer, just compile the following code with my Native Library Generator:
char* myString1()
    return "I am obfuscated.";

char* myString2()
    return "I am obfuscated too!";
... you catch my drift!

Despite not being 100% hacker proof (nothing is!), it's a lot harder to disassemble an .so library than a regular Java one.
If you're really interested in protecting your apk, by all means, get the ProBundle and read Fred's tutorial.
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