Hi everyone, i always used Firebase to send notification to the apps...
i didn't know what i'm doing different, but i can't manage it to work.
What i did:
- Created App ID on Apple Dashboard
- Created Push notification SSL production certifcate
- Put it in the b4ikeys folder
- Created the AdHoc provision profile
- Generated the p12 firebase service file
- Created a project on firebase with the same package name, uploaded the p12 file
- put the googleplist.json in the Special folder
- added the Entitelment and ProvisionFile
- Imported the two firebase libraries and added all the Subs from the tutorial
The app compiles, the Sub fm_FCMConnected is fired, so it subscribe to "ios_general".
but when I try to send a notification using the B4J SendingTool to "ios_general" topic nothing arrives to my iphone....
I also tried an old application where push notification works, and i noticed that the Application_RemoteNotification is not fired anymore... i tried to put a log in it and it is not printed..
I tried also the approach with the Keys instead the Certificates.. same thing...
I don't know what to do
Thanks in advance