I am using push notifications in my iOS app using Firebase.
I have multiple users using my B4i app, and each user is subscribing to the same topic.
For example:
UserA subscribes to topic 'TEST1'
UserB subscribes to topic 'TEST1'
I am using the B4j Sending Tool from the
tutorial to send the push notification.
The push notifications pops up on both phones fine and uses the default tone on the device.
I understand this is because in my B4J app it is telling it to use the default tone as shown below..
Dim iosalert As Map = CreateMap("title": Title, "body": Body, "sound": "default")
From my understanding I need to change the 'default' value to another filename and it will play the different sound, which is fine.
The question I have is, lets say UserA is happy to get the default sound, but UserB wants to get a different sound.
How can I make UserB have a different sound than UserA, but have both subscribed to the same topic ?
From what I can see, it will be global for all users and can't have different sounds for each user, unless I make each user subscribe to different topics and send them separate with different sound values per topic ?
If the above is correct, if I use 'default' in my code, is there a way in selecting what the default tone is on the iOS device? (maybe the user can just change the default tone to something else locally on there device?)