I want to put the modules, which are in one project, into different packages. For example:
set the package "com.abc" in the build path, and one module in the project in package "com.abc.sub"
I want to make a wrapper of wechat payment interface, which uses a function to call up the wechat pay activity. After the pay activity finished, the wechat call the onResp function, which must in the mainpackage.wxapi package ( mainpackage is the package of the project).
We have succeed in calling up the wechat pay activity, but can't get the callback. I think it's a must to put the callback function in mainpackage.wxapi package to receive the response from wechat.
I am not sure if I have told the thing clearly, this is the sdk document: https://open.weixin.qq.com/zh_CN/htmledition/res/dev/document/sdk/android/index.html
and this is the demo: https://pay.weixin.qq.com/wiki/doc/api/download/SDKSample_Android_v3_pay.zip