B4J Code Snippet [PyBridge] How to break out of async loop

Further to Erels example of events using an async loop, the loop will run until the app terminates.

You can 'break out' of the loops using RunNoArgsCode(...)

Note: there may be better ways to do this.

B4X Code
private Sub Py_Check (Args As Map)
    Log("chk called")
    globalcount = globalcount + 1
    If globalcount = 2 Then
        py.RunNoArgsCode("looper = False")  ' <-- this is the code that sets the loop variable and cause termination of python code
    End If
End Sub

Sub Py_stop(Args As Map)'ignore 
    Log(Args.Get("Reason"))  ' <--  Just gets a message for why it stopped
End Sub

Private Sub Py_Tick (Args As Map)
    Dim time As String = Args.Get("time")
End Sub

Sub timer_update_test() As ResumableSub
    wait for ((py.RunCodeAwait("TimerExample",Array(),File.ReadString(File.DirAssets,"event_test.py")))) Complete (res As PyWrapper)
    Return True
End Sub

Python Code
import asyncio
from b4x_bridge.bridge import bridge_instance #type: ignore
from datetime import datetime
looper = True
async def TimerExample ():
    global looper  # This will be changed from B4J to end the loop
    counter = 0
    while looper:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        bridge_instance.raise_event("tick", {"time": str(datetime.now())})
        counter += 1
        if counter == 5:
            bridge_instance.raise_event("check", {"check": str(counter)})
            counter = 0
    # the next line only executed after looper is set to False from B4J    
    bridge_instance.raise_event("stop", {"Reason": "Finished"}) # raise event to notify it has finished
    print("End request sent to B4J")