Thanks for your clear and detailed tutorial
However, I have 2 remarks and 2 questions :
In the paragraph "
Running the Project", you say
Nothing happens when clicking on the gear
In the paragraph "
Perform Test", you say
But I don't see this end point.
What are the purposes of the 3 (commented) command lines in the beginning :
' ConfigureServer: ide://goto?Module=Main&Sub=AppStart
' Objects folder: ide://run?file=%WINDIR%\SysWOW64\explorer.exe&Args=%PROJECT%\Objects
' Publish: ide://run?file=%JAVABIN%\jar.exe&WorkingDirectory=../Objects&Args=-cMf&*.jar&Args=*.ini&Args=*.db&Args=help.html
The www directory in Objects has to be copied to the remore server. Right ?
Thanks aeric