Question about compling. Importanta! Hah

Hi Guys,

I downloaded the trial to try this out and ran through a couple tutorials. I must say I really like this application. Ok, Here is the thing though. Does it only work with android 2.2? If I try using 1.6 or 2.1 I get the following error:

AndroidManifest.xml:2: error: No resource identifier found for attribute

Does that mean I can only use android 2.2? This is kinda a big pull on whether or not I buy this.

I do know you have to set the path configuration to suit the android your using and I know how to set up the emulator to run any version of the android SDK I downloaded.

Anyways, I eagerly await a response


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Longtime User
One editorial I'll add, though:

The Android world moves fast. Much faster than the desktop world. Unless you absolutely, positively have to target a 1.6 specific device, these days, you really want to be developing targetting 2.1 and 2.2.
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Thanks guys... Thats pretty cool actually. I think Ill update my galaxy and try a program out on it. Its the original galaxy, so its running 1.5 so I need to put it to 1.6.

Anyway, I see the android 3 SDK hopefully it doesnt change everything. heh. I think I will play with some more tutorials and then purchase this product because it is really cool. Could pump out small quick apps quick. Hmz.
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