Android Question Question about Google Play


Licensed User
Hi all, sry for my english

I have published my app yesterday but i can only find it when i search for "my app title".

If i try to search with words from description or in relation with my app theme i cant found it.

I know that's i need to complete a good description for my app with appropriate keywords to be referenced.

I don't know why, is that because i just published yesterday on Google play ?
Google bot need more time to reference my app ?

Thanks by advance for advice.

An Schi

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
First of all it depends on your competitors. If there are allready hundrets of simular apps in the market you will have a tough to get before them.
And Google takes also downloads and active installs into consideration. So if you manage to get a lot of downloads and people don't delete your app over time you will get ranked higher.

The above isn't complete. Search the web for more information about how the market works.
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Licensed User
Yes i have seen what Google watch to reference me. <= sorry for my english i know it's bad :oops:

I don't have a lot of competitors about to 3 or 4.

If we have seen same things i guess that's i have only to wait before to have a good rank...
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Active Member
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I read somewhere that new Google Play system holds app for 72h until "second review" with manual operator.
And don't forget that positioning your app depends on many factors, like keywords in the title and description, number of downloads, retention...
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Licensed User
Hmm i think you are right, because today with some keyword we can find my app !

Not all keyword but it will come i guess.

I have to wait then.

Anyway thanks guys nice help.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thats why Google Play sucks. I put the same info same title same description on ios and google play. Google play got 50 downloads in 1 month while ios app getse about 20 downloads / Day.

Positioning for the new apps at google play is not good.
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Licensed User
Ok tufanv but is that easy to transfer an app from Google Play to Apple Store ?

I mean have i to rewrite all my program from B4A to B4I or it is easy ?
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