B4J Question Question about MQTT Sparkplug B


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I am starting to look into Sparkplug B as I see it growing really fast in the Iot space.

Apparently it's a very nice application layer addition to the MQTT protocol, basically it defines a standard message structure


where the message_type is further specified to include a lot of structured info:
• NBIRTH – Birth certificate for MQTT EoN nodes. • NDEATH – Death certificate for MQTT EoN nodes. • DBIRTH – Birth certificate for Devices. • DDEATH – Death certificate for Devices. • NDATA – Node data message. • DDATA – Device data message. • NCMD – Node command message. • DCMD – Device command message. • STATE – Critical application state message.

Additionally, the Sparkplug B specs relies on google protobuffers to encode and decode the payloads.

Now two question
1- is there a B4x mqtt library supporting sparkplug B ?
2- I know very little about google protobuf but I believe are a form of serialization, is there any available implementation of protobuf or examples to do that using B4XSerialiaziation ?

any help welcome!!!


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Longtime User
You can installa MQTT with LINUX mosquitto, and you can invent you self protocol of code ...
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