Dir Sir
Using fgControls I am getting some very strange behavior.
I added Object-> fgMouse Events and named them pandatenew and panreplacenew so we are able to move both panels, when we like to write into txt box.
On Desktop PC all is well. No problems there!
but, Testing on Device:
1. I am getting a large mouse trail or panel trail when both are being moved.
2. Continuing to test both panels, they just seem to disappear from the main Frm.
3. The panels at times do not show at all, and at times just for 1 second when they do visible = false
When I restart the App, then all is well, until we start playing a bit with both panels (about 5-8 minutes).
I am using fgControl version = and also used the other version, but then the panels were out of control.
I adapted the two panels from henshu source code.
How can I correct this problem please? Am I overlooking something here? Have I added the wrong Event? Do the panels need a New this or New that?
The panels do not need a New1. But why is there the strange behavior? Panel hides itself at times. Do not understand this.
Is it the wrong fg Object that I added? I do not know...
thank you for helping out.
Best regards