I want to add text to my ScrollView everytime something happens but it will go under eachother.
So I have a Service: Interceptor.
there I count my intCounter + 1 for every message I receive.
and store the text: "One new message arrived" in strNotifications.
in my Main Activity, in a timer1_tick, I want to add the text to the ScrollView.
For i = 0 To Interceptor.intCounter
Dim lblNotifications As Label
lblNotifications.TextColor = Colors.white
lblNotifications.Text = Interceptor.strNotifications
ScrollView1.Panel.AddView(lblNotifications, 10, 10 + i * 10dip, ScrollView1.Width, 38dip)
Then everytime I receive a message, a message will appear on the scrollview. but now, when I want to read the message, I set the intCounter +1 and change the strNotifications in my service into "Reading message". then a new string will be added to the Scrollview, but than all the text will be changed, including the text above it.
So how do I keep the text then as the following:
"One new message arrived"
"Reading message"
instead of
"Reading message"
"Reading message"
Hope U can help me!