B4J Question Quick help needed please (capture mouse click anywhere on the app)


Active Member
Licensed User
Hi. Quick help would be appreciated.
In my app I need to detect if the app is left unused for 15 minutes. I take mouse clicks as an indication of usage.
My questions is: how can i detect that mouse is clicked anywhere on the app?
(I can't rely on form events, because there are tab panes and Modal forms too)
Thanks a lot.

p.s. IF that is not possible, how can I detect mouse clicks on the pages of a tab pane? the tabpane click event only works if no pages are open, but clicking on open tabs won't trigger it.


Active Member
Licensed User
Thank you so much! the jwin32idletime worked perfectly! True, it doesn't tell me if the user is using MY app or something else, but it still gets the job done to some extent, and my client is satisfied with it! I was reluctant to try it as it said it requried 32bit java, but I tried it and it worked on any computer.
Thanks a lot Magma
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Erel is right - because my first answer as you see... is about clicking everywhere... so the right title is something with "how to see if app is IDLE / not used"...

My dismay in the title was "Quick help needed". Akin to spam - "LOOK AT ME!"

This may imply that we should all drop what we are doing to find a solution for you... NOW!

If a client demanded this, then you should explain to them our members response process time (on their own time).

Just an observation (to disregard if you may)...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Sometimes we need all quick help - ofcourse here is not the right way... to ask help... For that we need a public chat (if someone can answer it/fast) - to ask something simple (but will not record as solution)... let's not continue that... never has a good end

Let's drink a beer / coffee... ?
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