Quiz app


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I want to develop a quiz app for Android.
Requirements are as follows

When app is started
- Folks will need to provide a username and password
- Only authorized folks can use the app
- A list of n quizzes is provided
- User chooses one of the n quizzes
- A list of questions (most of them with multiple choice answers come up
- If the user chooses the correct answer, he is informed that his answer
is correct and an explanation pops up as to why the answer is correct
- If user chooses wrong answer, he is informed that the answer is wrong
- After all questions are attempted, he gets a score xx out of yy correct

The administrator of the app should have ability to add quizzes and questions for the quizzes.

I am completely new to android apps.

- Can somebody suggest the steps to develop such an app using basic4android?
- Is anybody available to develop this app for me? If so, let me know how I can contact you off line and get a quote for the same?


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