Quiz app


Licensed User
Longtime User
Requirements are as follows

When app is started
- Folks will need to provide a username and password
- Only authorized folks can use the app
- A list of n quizzes is provided
- User chooses one of the n quizzes
- A list of questions (most of them with multiple choice answers come up
- If the user chooses the correct answer, he is informed that his answer
is correct and an explanation pops up as to why the answer is correct
- If user chooses wrong answer, he is informed that the answer is wrong
- After all questions are attempted, he gets a score xx out of yy correct

The administrator of the app should have ability to add quizzes and questions for the quizzes.

Please PM me if you are interested.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, I have experience developing testmaker software and the job you describe is not a trivial programming job. I once owned a company who developed and sold testmaker software. I have developed over 40 apps for iPad , about 15 apps on Basic4Android, 20 apps on Windows 8 and 15 apps on Windows 7. If you are a company I might be interested in working with you on this longer term project. You can email me at drj1000@aol.com.