Quiz help


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After purchasing the b4a software, im quite happy that i learnt alot and developing my first app...which is the quiz...2 things left for me to do..which really need help

1) when you click the wrong answer, it will not only prompt you that's the wrong answer, it also light up the right button answer.

2) it also auto generate your score, by adding or substracting..

please refer to pic, which i got it from buzztouch.com(is quite hard using there)...



any advice really appreciated!!


Licensed User
Longtime User
It would be easier to help you if you posted your project as a zip file (IDE menu Files / Export As Zip).
You can take screenshots from within the IDE from the Emulator or a device connected via USB (not possible with B4A Bridge).
IDE menu Tools/Take Screenshot when in code mode.
IDE menu Debug/Take Screenshot when in debug mode.

Best regards.
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