I havemore questions then answers, because the code is the last part - first you need a system design, which answers for the way you want this game to work.
- how many questions ?
- are they to be ordered or random ?
A very simple possible solution is like that:
1. keep each question + answers in a text file, named n.txt, where n is the question number.
2. an array will keep the number of correct answer to each question number.
3. A large label will display the question, using:
FileOpen(c1,AppPath & "\" & n & ".txt",cRead)
label1.Text = FileReadToEnd (c1)
4. four buttons below the label will enable the user to select the answer.
5. the code in each button_click sub will check the answer by comparing it to the array item, add or not the mark to a mark accumulator, and randomize the next question.
This solution will require many files so it is better to arrange the database in other ways which are more complicated.