Been playing with Qwen for the past week. Quite a fun AI and relatively easy to set up.
I have been using the 3B (3 Billion) parameter file, and the code is quite reasonable that it produces. (not too hot on B4X - keeps using in the output).
Its odd that for an AI meant for coding there is an awful lot of other data in there too.
I have it running under Python, and use, from a B4J UI app, websockets to send queries and get answers back.
The queries were taking around 78 seconds, but I realised I had not used cuda, when I changed it , the queries take around 3.5 seconds now.
Overall a fun experience. ( the reason I use the 3B file is my gpu only has 8GB memory and the next size up 7B forces the gpu to use system memory which is slow)
If anyone wants to try it, I can give you the requirements.txt file to set up python and or conda.
I have been using the 3B (3 Billion) parameter file, and the code is quite reasonable that it produces. (not too hot on B4X - keeps using in the output).
Its odd that for an AI meant for coding there is an awful lot of other data in there too.
I have it running under Python, and use, from a B4J UI app, websockets to send queries and get answers back.
The queries were taking around 78 seconds, but I realised I had not used cuda, when I changed it , the queries take around 3.5 seconds now.
Overall a fun experience. ( the reason I use the 3B file is my gpu only has 8GB memory and the next size up 7B forces the gpu to use system memory which is slow)
If anyone wants to try it, I can give you the requirements.txt file to set up python and or conda.