Raspberry Pi 4 is here!


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Peter Simpson

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@Cableguy all morning www.raspberrypi.org has been running extremity slow or unresponsive on all my connections including my Virgin internet, TalkTalk and Three UK. I'll just have to jump back on in a few days time when all the hype has died down a little bit.

It will probably be okay in a few minutes time though.


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cool (can't check since it's unreachable here aswell).

I thought 3B+ also had gigabit internet already? I have one of those too but I don't like how much power it uses (needs a decent power supply instead of the regular phone chargers)


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I thought 3B+ also had gigabit internet already?

Until the pi3, both ethernet and usb were managed by the same chip, thus having the same bandwidth of about 300MBs...
In the pi4 it seems that ethernet is managed directly by the SOC


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I managed to reach the site and the specs look nice. not sure why it needs 2 micro hdmi ports tho as most people use it to control hardware or use vnc to remote control it.

the power supply needs to be even more powerfull (3A) than for the 3B+


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You can use ssd either by using a pi-sata hat, a M2 adapter card or just a UsB to Data cable and use either sata HDD or SSD.
Remember that since the pi 3, it CAN boot directly from usb, no need for micro-sd card.

Plus, ODroid does not offer a 4GB RAM version and the ODroid base price is even higher than the pi4 4GB version


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what I like about the PIs is that they try to stick to nearly the same price for each new model.

so the investment remains quite small (~40 euros at this point for the unit alone)
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