Raspberry Pi is getting ICS


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Well, I have recently been trying to decide on a new toy. Either a MK802 Android Mini PC or a Raspberry Pi. I think this fantastic news has just made my mind up. Now, the best of both worlds as the Raspberry Pi is getting Android ICS. According to the link below, the port isn't far off and the preview video looks very nice and smooth.

Raspberry Pi gets Android

Also, a local electronics retailer have the Pi's up for pre-order. This I may go sign up. whoo.


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Great news... all in 256MB though... I wonder how much available memory there will be?


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Yeah, i'd not noticed the 256mb ram. Mighty shame that. I always thought they were 512.

Sent from my HTC Desire Z


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I see there is 512MB chatter going on re the next revision, but this is still a very exciting development. It'll be interesting to see what the headroom is, I'm guessing (from seeing memory usage in ICS install on VirtualBox) that it shouldn't be less than 100MB anyway.

I'm thinking of the possibilities of having an Android Raspberry Pi autonomously controlling a IOIO. Nom nom nom.


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Why would you need a IOIO, the Pi has GPIO. Now whether the GPIO will be accessible from within android, now that would be interesting.


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Very interesting, I wasn't aware of that. In looking into that, I stumbled across the Gertboard which would protect the Pi from harm if I inadvertently connected a 1.21GW flux capactor to it the wrong way (or similar).

I suppose we need to wait until it is released before we get the lowdown on whether the GPIO is accessible. From a B4A perspective, the IOIO combo is an OTB solution though.

Exciting times.
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