B4J Question Raspberry Pi libgpiod library


New Member

I am evaluating the B4J tool for Windows, Raspberry Pi, and Android systems, and am quite impressed. My question with Raspberry Pi electronics, is the libgpiod supported? After searching the forum, I was not able to find information on the native libgpiod library. The WiringPi library is deprecated, PiGPIO is old, and libgpiod is the latest - most compatible version.

I have written many books, and libraries for other languages in the past, and libgpiod for GPIO control is pretty important, as it is very versatile for the Raspberry Pi products.

Thanks for your help,



New Member
Thank you Mariano,

The helpful link is much appreciated. It appears that the Pi4J library has been upgraded to Pigpio from the deprecated WiringPi library, which is a step in the right direction.

Are there plans to use the standard libgpiod?

Warm regards.
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