B4R Library rBLEBeacon ESP32

B4R Library rBLEBeacon

is an open source library to create a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacon using the ESP32 BLE feature.

The purpose is to
  • run the BLE Beacon on ESP32 hardware with connected sensors, like a DHT22 (temperature & humidity).
  • advertise sensor data (in regular intervals) with max size of 31 bytes (limited by the protocol).
  • read advertised data by clients (no connection required) like BLE scanner, Home-Assistant or a B4A app (triggers reading in regular intervals).
  • advertise from the ESP32 in format Eddystone or Raw.
  • format Eddystone Protocol Specification with Namespace ID: D20C9CB0A5D94BF7A3E1 (10 bytes) and Instance ID: 659E5A8E9C42 (6 bytes).
  • format Raw with manufacturer_data (Manufacturer ID + data)) or service_data (Environmental Sensing service UUID 0x181A, no manufacturer_data).
  • advertising data every 5 seconds (set in B4R, change as required).
  • written in C++ (using the Arduino IDE 2.3.4 and the B4Rh2xml tool).
  • tested with B4R 4.00 (64 bit), ESP32 library 3.1.1.
  • tested with an ESP32 Wrover Kit and the Arduino app nRF Connect.
rBLEBeacon.zip archive contains the library and sample projects.

From the zip archive, copy the content of the library folder, to the B4R additional libraries folder keeping the folder structure.

Initialize BLE Beacon
Name - Name of the BLE server.
ErrorSub - Sub to log an error code.
Initialize (Name As String , Error As SubSubVoidByte)

Advertise Data
data = Array as Bytes
Advertise(data() As Byte)

Advertise Raw
Advertise data in raw format using manufacturer data or service data.
For manufacturer data, the content should contain the manufacturer id + advertised data (from f.e. a sensor).
For service data, the content could be specific like environment data (from f.e. a sensor).
Environmental Sensing service UUID is 0x181A (Raw data type 0x16 = UUID + data).
data - Array as Byte with any format.
serviceinfo - Bool to use service data in the advertisement, else manufacturer id + data.
AdvertiseRaw(data() As Byte, serviceinfo As Boolean)

Message Size

Warning and error codes

Handle errors.
Error(code as byte)

  • Basic - Advertise a counter value every 5 seconds.
  • TempHum - Advertise DHT22 sensor data temperature&humidity every 5 seconds.
  • HomeAssistant-UI - Home-Assistant Custom Integration BLE Beacon DHT; ESP32 advertised data to 4 entities (see post #2).
B4R TempHum Example
(without comments)


Sub Process_Globals
    Private VERSION As String = "rBLEBeacon TempHum Example v20250211"
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Private BLEBeacon As BLEBeacon
    Private SerData As B4RSerializator    'ignore
    Private DHT As DHTESP
    Private DHTPinNumber As UInt = 0x04
    Private Humidity As Int
    Private Temperature As Int
    Private TimerDataAdvertising As Timer
    Private TimerDataAdvertisingInterval As ULong = 5000    'Milliseconds
    Private bc As ByteConverter
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
    Log(CRLF, "[AppStart]", VERSION)
    BLEBeacon.Initialize("BLEBeacon", "BLEBeacon_Error")
    TimerDataAdvertising.Initialize("TimerDataAdvertising_Tick", TimerDataAdvertisingInterval)
    TimerDataAdvertising.Enabled = True
End Sub

Sub TimerDataAdvertising_Tick
    Temperature = DHT.GetTemperature * 100  ' convert float to int 19.30 → 1930
    Humidity = DHT.GetHumidity * 100        ' convert float to int 92.40 → 9240
    BLEBeacon_Advertise(bc.IntsToBytes(Array As Int(Temperature, Humidity)))
End Sub

Private Sub BLEBeacon_Advertise(data() As Byte)
    If data == Null Then
        Log("[ERROR][BLEBeacon_Advertise] No data.")
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub BLEBeacon_Error(code As Byte)
    Select code
            Log("[ERROR][Advertise] Data size exceeds maximum ", BLEBeacon.MAX_ADV_DATA_SIZE, " bytes.")
    End Select
End Sub

Public Sub HexFromByte(b As Byte) As String
    Return bc.HexFromBytes(Array As Byte(b))
End Sub

B4A TempHum Example
(B4XPages app, listed is the B4XMainPage without comments)
Sub Class_Globals
    Private VERSION As String    = "BLEBeaconClient v20250211"
    Private INFO As String        = "rBLEBeacon TempHum Example"
    Private DEBUG As Boolean     = False
    Private xui As XUI
    Private Root As B4XView
    Private btnScan As B4XView
    Private lblState As B4XView
    Private lblScanStatus As B4XView
    Private pbScan As B4XLoadingIndicator
    Private lblInfo As B4XView
    Private lblTemperatureValue As B4XView
    Private lblHumidityValue As B4XView
    Private lblAdvertisedTime As B4XView
    Private DEVICE_NAME As String            = "BLEBeacon"            'Default device name of the ESP32 BLE beacon as set in B4R    'ignore
    Private DEVICE_MAC As String            = "30:C9:22:D1:80:2E"    'MAC address of the ESP32 BLE beacon    'ignore
    Private SCAN_DURATION As Short = 5000                            'Max 5 seconds scannning - see StartScan
    #if B4A
    Private Manager As BleManager2
    Private rp As RuntimePermissions
    #else if B4i
    Private manager As BleManager
    #end if
    Public  BeaconFound As Boolean = False
    Private currentStateText As String = "UNKNOWN"
    Private EDDYSTONE_UID_SIZE As Byte = 18     'Used to extract advertised data from ESP32 (see B4R)
    Private TimerScanData As Timer
    Private TimerScanDataInterval As Long = 10000
    Private bc As ByteConverter    'ignore
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
    B4XPages.GetManager.LogEvents = True
End Sub

Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    B4XPages.SetTitle(Me, VERSION)
    lblTemperatureValue.Text = "--"
    lblHumidityValue.Text = "--"
    lblInfo.Text = INFO
    TimerScanData.Initialize("TimerScanData", TimerScanDataInterval)
    TimerScanData.Enabled = False
End Sub

Sub B4XPage_CloseRequest As ResumableSub
    Dim sf As Object = xui.Msgbox2Async("Exit the app?", "Confirmation", "Yes", "", "No", Null)
    Wait For (sf) Msgbox_Result (Result As Int)
    If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
        'Completely close the app
    End If
    Return True
End Sub

Sub TimerScanData_Tick
End Sub

Sub InitialScan
    Dim Permissions As List
    Dim phone As Phone
    If phone.SdkVersion >= 31 Then
        Permissions = Array("android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN", "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT", rp.PERMISSION_ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)
        Permissions = Array(rp.PERMISSION_ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)
    End If
    For Each per As String In Permissions
        Wait For B4XPage_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
        If Result = False Then
            ToastMessageShow($"[ERROR] No BLE permission: ${Permission}"$, True)
        End If
    TimerScanData.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub btnScan_Click
    TimerScanData.Enabled = Not(TimerScanData.Enabled)
End Sub

Public Sub StateChanged
    lblState.Text = currentStateText
    lblScanStatus.Text = IIf(TimerScanData.Enabled, "ON", "OFF")

    If Not(TimerScanData.Enabled) Then
        lblTemperatureValue.Text = "--"
        lblHumidityValue.Text = "--"
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub StartScan
    BeaconFound = False
    If Manager.State <> Manager.STATE_POWERED_ON Then
        ToastMessageShow($"[ERROR][StartScan] BLE is not not powered on."$, True)
        If Not(BeaconFound) Then
            TimerScanData.Enabled = False
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Sub SetSensorData(advertisingData As Map)
    If advertisingData.ContainsKey(-1) Then
        Dim rawData() As Byte = advertisingData.Get(-1)
        If rawData.Length > EDDYSTONE_UID_SIZE Then
            Dim sensorData(rawData.Length - EDDYSTONE_UID_SIZE) As Byte
            bc.ArrayCopy(rawData, EDDYSTONE_UID_SIZE, sensorData, 0, rawData.Length - EDDYSTONE_UID_SIZE)
            Dim thex As String = $"${HexFromByte(sensorData(1))}${HexFromByte(sensorData(0))}"$
            Dim hhex As String = $"${HexFromByte(sensorData(3))}${HexFromByte(sensorData(2))}"$
            Dim t As Float = Bit.ParseInt(thex, 16) / 100
            Dim h As Float = Bit.ParseInt(hhex, 16) / 100
            lblTemperatureValue.Text    = NumberFormat2(t, 0, 2, 2, False)
            lblHumidityValue.Text        = NumberFormat2(h, 0 ,2, 2, False)
            lblAdvertisedTime.Text        = DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now)
            Log("[ERROR][SetSensorData] No sensor data found.")
        End If
        Log("[ERROR][SetSensorData] No manufacturer data found.")
    End If
End Sub

Sub Manager_DeviceFound (Name As String, Id As String, AdvertisingData As Map, RSSI As Double)
    'Two options: use name or mac
    If Not(Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(DEVICE_NAME)) Then Return
    'If Not(Id.EqualsIgnoreCase(DEVICE_MAC)) Then Return
    BeaconFound = True
End Sub

Sub Manager_StateChanged (State As Int)
    Select State
        Case Manager.STATE_POWERED_OFF
            currentStateText = "POWERED OFF"
        Case Manager.STATE_POWERED_ON
            currentStateText = "POWERED ON"
        Case Manager.STATE_UNSUPPORTED
            currentStateText = "UNSUPPORTED"
    End Select
End Sub

Public Sub HexFromByte(b As Byte) As String
    Return bc.HexFromBytes(Array As Byte(b))
End Sub

Example using serialized data.
Improve Home Assistant integration.

GNU General Public License v3.0.


  • rBLEBeacon-091.zip
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
v0.9.1 (Build 20250218) (see post #1)
  • NEW: Function AdvertiseRaw - Advertise data in raw format as manufacturer_data or service_data (Environmental Sensing service UUID 0x181A).
  • NEW: Examples - Home-Assistant Custom Integration BLE Beacon DHT; ESP32 advertised data to 4 entities.
Example Home-Assistant UI
Purpose is integrating an ESP32 (running as BLE Beacon) in Home-Assistant (HA) as a Custom Integration named BLE Beacon DHT (device BLEBEACONDHT).
The ESP32 has a DHT22 sensor connected and advertises in regular intervals temperature (int), humidity (int), temperature state (byte), humidity state (byte).
The Custom Integration BLE Beacon DHT listens to BLE advertisements, selects the device BLEBEACONDHT, parses the payload and updates 4 entities.
The integration is added using the HA UI and not YAML (except for setting debug logs).
The custom component must be placed in the HA folder config/custom_components with folder name ble_beacon_dht.
After copied the files to the custom component folder > restart HA > Add Integration BLE Beacon DHT > Check HA Logs (settings > system > logs).
To debug, add to HA configuration.yaml:
    custom_components.ble_beacon_dht: debug



B4R Code Snippet

B4R Code Snippet:
Sub Process_Globals
    Private VERSION As String = "rBLEBeacon HomeAssistant Example v20250217"
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Private BLEBeacon As BLEBeacon
    Private DHT As DHTESP
    Private DHTPinNumber As UInt = 0x04
    Private Temperature As Int
    Private TemperatureState As Byte
    Private Humidity As Int
    Private HumidityState As Byte
    Private TimerDataAdvertising As Timer
    Private TimerDataAdvertisingInterval As ULong = 20000    'Milliseconds
    Private bc As ByteConverter
End Sub

#Region AppStart
Private Sub AppStart
    Log(CRLF, "[AppStart]", VERSION)
    'Init the ble beacon with name and error event
    BLEBeacon.Initialize("BLEBEACONDHT", "BLEBeacon_Error")
    'Init DHT22
    'Init Timer Data Advertising
    TimerDataAdvertising.Initialize("TimerDataAdvertising_Tick", TimerDataAdvertisingInterval)
    TimerDataAdvertising.Enabled = True
End Sub
#End Region

#Region Timer
'Read the DHT22 data, set states (magic numbers hardcoded) and advertise.
'[TimerDataAdvertising_Tick] t=1650, h=5330, ts=3 hs=1
'[BLEBeacon_AdvertiseRaw] data=7206D2140301,size=6,serviceinfo=1
'[B4RBLEBeacon::AdvertiseRaw] Advertised data size: 6
'[B4RBLEBeacon::AdvertiseRaw] Advertised data: 7206D2140301
Sub TimerDataAdvertising_Tick

    'Update globals
    Temperature    = DHT.GetTemperature * 100  'Convert float to int 19.30 → 1930
    Humidity    = DHT.GetHumidity * 100        'Convert float to int 92.40 → 9240

    'Set temperature & humidity states
    If Temperature < 20 Then
        TemperatureState = 1
    Else if Temperature > 26 Then
        TemperatureState = 3
        TemperatureState = 2
    End If
    If HumidityState < 30 Then
        HumidityState = 1
    Else if HumidityState > 60 Then
        HumidityState = 3
        HumidityState = 2
    End If

    '[TimerDataAdvertising_Tick] t=1720, h=5520, ts=1, hs=2
    Log("[TimerDataAdvertising_Tick] t=", NumberFormat(Temperature,0,0),", h=", NumberFormat(Humidity,0,0),", ts=", TemperatureState, " hs=", HumidityState)

    'Advertise 6 bytes:
    'temperature (Int, 2bytes) + humidity (int, 2bytes) + temperaturestate (byte) + humiditystate (byte)

    'BLE advertise as serialized data; marker start 7E, end 7F
End Sub
#End Region

'Advertise raw data as service UUID.
'data - Byte array containing data fo the connected client.
Private Sub BLEBeacon_AdvertiseRaw
    'Set serviceinfo flag true
    Dim serviceinfo As Boolean = True
    'Set data 6 bytes little-endian - these are assigned per byte
    Dim data(6) As Byte
    Dim t(2) As Byte = BytesFromInt(Temperature, True)
    Dim h(2) As Byte = BytesFromInt(Humidity, True)

    data(0) = t(0)
    data(1) = t(1)
    data(2) = h(0)
    data(3) = h(1)
    data(4) = TemperatureState
    data(5) = HumidityState
    '[BLEBeacon_AdvertiseRaw] data=720618150301,size=6,serviceinfo=1
    Log("[BLEBeacon_AdvertiseRaw] data=", bc.HexFromBytes(data), ",size=", data.Length, ",serviceinfo=", serviceinfo )
    BLEBeacon.AdvertiseRaw(data, serviceinfo)
End Sub

'Handle BLE Beacon error.
'Log the error to the B4R IDE, but could also use an LED.
Private Sub BLEBeacon_Error(code As Byte)
    Select code
            Log("[ERROR][Advertise] Data size exceeds maximum ", BLEBeacon.MAX_ADV_DATA_SIZE, " bytes.")
    End Select
End Sub

'Get HEX code for a single byte.
'b - Single byte
'Returns HEX code as string
Public Sub HexFromByte(b As Byte) As String
    Return bc.HexFromBytes(Array As Byte(b))
End Sub

Public Sub HexFromInt(i As Int) As String
    Dim b() As Byte = bc.IntsToBytes(Array As Int(i))
    'Log("[HexFromInt]i=", i, ",bytes=",b(0),b(1))
    Return bc.HexFromBytes(b)
End Sub

'Get 4 bytes from long.
'Do not use the byteconverter as it converts per default to little endian.
'value - Long value to convert
'littleendian - Flag to set little endian, set to false for big endian
'Returns 4 bytes
Public Sub BytesFromLong(value As Long, littleendian As Boolean) As Byte()
    Dim raf As RandomAccessFile
    'Set the return byte array size = 4
    Dim b(4) As Byte
    raf.Initialize(b, littleendian)
    raf.WriteULong32(value, 0)
    Return b
End Sub

'Get 2 bytes from integer.
'value - Integer value to convert
'littleendian - Flag to set little endian, set to false for big endian
'Returns 2 bytes as uint
Public Sub BytesFromInt(value As Int, littleendian As Boolean) As Byte()
    Dim raf As RandomAccessFile
    'Set the return byte array size = 2
    Dim b(2) As Byte
    raf.Initialize(b, littleendian)
    raf.WriteUInt16(value, 0)
    Return b
End Sub
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