B4J Question Rc522 library

Fabrice La

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Dim bc as ByteConverter
Dim sector As Byte = bc.HexToBytes("DataToHex")
It is not working as HexToBytes is an array. Must be :
 Dim sector() As byte

The error in log is
incompatible types: byte[] cannot be converted to byte
What is wrong ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Is this a rhetorical question ?
You post the problem, then post the solution.
Dim sector() As Byte = bc.HexToBytes("DataToHex")
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Fabrice La

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In the library there is :
result = nfc.Auth_Card_With_KeyA(sector,block,keyA)
Where "sector" is not an byte array nether "block"

I can't declare "sector as byte array" In Auth_Card_With_KeyA "sector is a byte"
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