I'm trying to understand if this kind of approach (Remote Database Connector) is a good choice for me.
I'm making an Android version of a software for Windows and I'm reusing, as are, original sql queries (I insert only the variables)
Those queries are very complicated (for me), this is an example:
Currently I connect my app to MS Sql Server with MSSQL with JDBC Library and it send queries directly to the database. It works but it could be better to use web server approach.
The problem is that The RDC client doesn't send queries. It sends the names of the queries.
It's possible use RDC with so complicated queries? It's possible to use queries without modify it?
Thank you
I'm trying to understand if this kind of approach (Remote Database Connector) is a good choice for me.
I'm making an Android version of a software for Windows and I'm reusing, as are, original sql queries (I insert only the variables)
Those queries are very complicated (for me), this is an example:
L=a.Query("select DVDT.SCP_TAR,DVDT.SCP_NET,DVDT.SCP_INV,CASE WHEN DVDT.SCP_PACK=0 OR DVDT.SCP_NET=0 THEN 0 ELSE ROUND(DVDT.SCP_NET/DVDT.SCP_PACK,2 ) END as midw,CLIENT.CLNAME from ((" & DVDTAz & " DVDT Left outer Join " & ClientAz & " CLIENT on DVDT.SCP_CODCLI=CLIENT.CLCODE) Left outer Join " & TrtocauAz & " ORTOCAU on DVDT.SCP_CMOV=ORTOCAU.OrtcCod) where (((' ' <> SPACE(1) AND DVDT.SCP_CMOV = 'VE ' OR DVDT.SCP_CMOV = 'NC ') OR ' ' = SPACE(1)) AND DVDT.SCP_DTDOC = {d '" & Vyear & "-" & Vmonth & "-" & Vday & "'} AND DVDT.SCP_CODART = '" & Value & "' AND ((' ' = ' ') OR (' ' = 'S' AND (DVDT.SCP_CMO = 'VE ') OR (DVDT.SCP_CMO = 'NC ')))) order by 1 , 2 , 3 ")
Currently I connect my app to MS Sql Server with MSSQL with JDBC Library and it send queries directly to the database. It works but it could be better to use web server approach.
The problem is that The RDC client doesn't send queries. It sends the names of the queries.
It's possible use RDC with so complicated queries? It's possible to use queries without modify it?
Thank you