I moved a project folder to a Google Drive folder on my PC.
When I compile the app it wipes the 'res' folder and creates a new one - this happens even though I have the line "#CustomBuildAction: 1, c:\windows\system32\attrib.exe, +r res\*.* /s".
It would seem that the Google Drive doesn't respect the 'read-only' attribute.
It would be good if the IDE could be set to not wipe the res folder regardless of the files' read-only attribute being set.
Thanks for the quick reply but this didn't work for me.
I've added the line "#AdditionalRes: ..\AdditionalResources"
I've created the folder 'AdditionalResources' under the project folder.
I've placed the launcher icon at various resolutions in sub-folders of AdditionalResources (e.g. 'drawable-hdpi', 'drawable-mdpi' etc.)
The compiled app doesn't contain these folders under 'Objects\res'