Android Question Reading data from a SQL table....

David Elkington

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I was wondering if anyone can help. I am trying to read a table (SQL Server 2012) using jRdc but cant seem to get off the ground. I would like to scroll through the records and read teh values, ready to put into the local table on the tablet.

Here is what I have so far...

On the java server I have the following statement in the config...

sql.select_fileattach_PKWScxA2Q=Select fil_id,fil_type_ID,fil_name,fil_description,fil_expires,fil_expired,fil_remove_on_expire from tbl_files where fil_target_ID=?

I then get a result in the recordset with 1 row as expected, but when I try to read the row, I just get a zero using the following code..

For Each records() As Object In result.Rows
Dim name As String = records(0)
If I look at the name value it is 0(should be 1) , if I try Records(1) I just get and error evaluating Expression. Is there something I am doing wrong?
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