Hi Erel,
OK so I have cut the app right down to the bare minimum. When the app runs it has a clock in button, I press that, the ZXing screen shows up waiting for a barcode scan. When nothing happens for a few seconds my kiosk kicks in and pulls control back to the app.
At this stage the app finds the com.srowen.bs.android process which is the one for the commercial version of ZXing. I use objOperatingSystem.killBackgroundProcesses("com.srowen.bs.android") to try and kill it but on checking it is still running.
Then on closing my app I can see the ZXing window still running. If I had repeated the clock in and wait process 5 times, on exiting my app there would be 5 instances of the ZXing screen running.
Any ideas why the killBackgroundProcess isn't working?