Why not roll your own?
1/ Scan the image looking for white-ish pixels (ie playing card background)
2/ Scan down from those pixels and count how many contiguous white-ish you have, to get an idea of the size of the card
3/ For plausible run lengths (eg the large cards in your example are 62 pixels tall, and the small cards are 50 pixels tall, so let's say anything in the range 40-to-90 pixels)
3a/ Scan left from the vertical middle of the run, until you hit a non-white-ish pixel, so that we now know where the top, bottom and left of the card are
4/ Probe a grid of pixels across the expected card area for white, red or black pixels, and compare them to what you'd expect for each of the 52 possible cards (plus jokers?)
bonus 1: it looks like you don't have to scan the whole image, because cards only appear in eg 7 areas above (6 players plus 1 dealer) and we don't need to check the corners, or the areas to the left of the players at the top and bottom
bonus 2: once you've located a card, you don't need to scan the rest of that area of the card
thought: the scan for "white-ish" pixels might be better done for "white-to-reddish or white-to-blackish" pixels ie if you have green or blue or yellow or any other hue that isn't red or black or white, then pixel isn't part of a card
thought: best to identify using left-third of card only, thanks to the sometimes overlaying by other cards
edit: hang on, you can only see your own cards and the dealer's cards, right? Not the other players? So now there are only two areas we need to scan. Bonus!!!