In my project's Manifest Editor 26 is target sdk version. Manifest Editor...
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="5" android:targetSdkVersion="26"/>
Recommendation by B4A is 29. (From Log)
My APP includes a button to connect to local WiFi. When targetSdkVersion is 26, upon pressing Connect button APP can connects to WiFi, however, when i change 26 to 29 I it stops working.
Update: I have the connect, save & disconnect functions working correctly for all Android versions. Currently testing, documenting & cleaning up the code. Because of the way the Q+ wifi functions work, I've done away with using Boolean return values on the connect / save functions & have implemented callback events instead - so there will be a few changes required to drop this into an existing B4A app, but nothing significant.
Sure - it's the same process as for any other non-internal library. Copy the files in the zip archive to your Additional Libraries folder. If B4A is already running, click on the Libraries tab, right click anywhere in the libraries list, then click Refresh. Deselect any previous version of the MLwifi library you are using, then select the MLwifi400 library.
Dear Mr. Smith, I tried with new library. I am facing below issues...
Case 1: Connection when Arduino is Access Point.
Mobile throws error "Something went wrong Unable to select device."
Case 2: Mobile is connected to home WiFi. Arduino is also connected to home Wifi
Connection is successful as i am receiving UDP packets from Arduino, however .isWiFiConnected returning false which is impacting my further execution.
Dear Mr. Smith, I tried with new library. I am facing below issues...
Case 1: Connection when Arduino is Access Point.
Mobile throws error "Something went wrong Unable to select device."
Case 2: Mobile is connected to home WiFi. Arduino is also connected to home Wifi
Connection is successful as i am receiving UDP packets from Arduino, however .isWiFiConnected returning false which is impacting my further execution.
Firstly, you should probably start a new thread for these questions, or at least post them in the thread where the library is.
Secondly, you need to provide more information. Nobody can help you if you don't provide details like your code, which Android version you are using, log output & any other relevant information. You should take a look at this thread for advice on how to post questions.