Sub SaveforServer( srv As String )
Dim np As Long
Dim c As Cursor
np = GetPkey
SQL1.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO ForServer VALUES(?,?,0)", Array As String(np, srv ))
Msgbox(" ForServ not saved"," Error ")
End Try
End Sub
The code above is used to insert a record into the ForServer table in my DB.
Fields: PID - Long, Qry - Text, Sent - Bool.
It is the same as any other table in my DB, yet everytime I compile and update the app on my test device(s), the records I saved in the previous session are not there - table is empty!!? If I shut down the device and start it back up, the same - none of the records I just inserted are there.
I use:
WebView1.LoadHtml(DBUtils.ExecuteHtml(Defs.SQL1, _
"SELECT * FROM ForServer" , Null, 0, True))
to see the data I just inserted in a webview (Thanks Erel - this is sweeeet..).
No code exists to ever delete this records.
The records in all other tables are still intact - no problem - ever.
Any Suggestions?
Never had this issue before with many tables and records I have created in this and other apps.
If File.Exists(File.DirDefaultExternal, "MyDB.db") = False Then
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "MyDB.db", File.DirDefaultExternal, "MyDB.db")
Log(" Copying MyDB.db to SD card")
End If
If SQL1.IsInitialized = False Then
SQL1.Initialize(File.DirDefaultExternal, "MyDB.db", False)
Log(" ***** - - - Initing MyDB.db if not already inited **********")
End If
MyDB is a generic name.
I don't copy the file to dir external if it already exists.
No other table is affect - they still contain records I added from previous sessions.
As I make structure changes to my tables, I often "force" a new db to replace the old db by commenting the if/end if of the first statement. - After this all tables will be empty. This is not my problem in this case. It is just weird...
The data in the Qry text field is actually a Query statement I prepared.
It contains the text like: INSERT INTO Table1 (PID, Name, Address, lot, lat) VALUES("1","John","123 Main Street","-123.9987","50.233"). Depending on the table I am populating, this statement can be 200 characters long - but the Text field type should handle this(?).
I will then use this statement to to populate my hosted MySQL database using the method described in MySQL tutorial Erel produced. That works fine as well.
Your code looks correct. Are you running Android 2.2? There is a bug on this version where File.DirDefaultExternal gets deleted when you reinstall your app.
I used Erel's "InsertMaps" in DBUtils as a model for my own "InsertServerMaps".
Instead of inserting a record, it returns the entire SQL statement (as string) that would have inserted a record (formatted to pass to php in MySQL server).
sb.Append(columns.ToString).Append(") VALUES (").Append(values.ToString).Append(")")
If i1 = 0 Then Log("InsertServerMaps (first query out of " & ListOfMaps.Size & "): " & sb.ToString)
'SQL.ExecNonQuery2( sb.ToString, listOfValues)
Return sb.ToString
ToastMessageShow("Record Saved", True)
ToastMessageShow(LastException.Message, True)
End Try
Notice my stupidity: 'SQL.ExecNonQuery2( sb.ToString, listOfValues)
and directly - Return sb.ToString
I commented out the Insert and returned the string...
This BROKE the Begin - End Transaction (left it open / incomplete) so the next attempt (called in the next line) failed to "save to disk" miserably.
Sub SaveforServer( srv As String, Pk As Long, DT As Long, Comp As Long )
Dim np As Long
'Dim c As Cursor
np = GetPkey
SQL1.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO ForServer VALUES(?,?,0,?,?,?)", Array As String(np, srv,Pk,DT,Comp ))
Msgbox(" ForServer record not saved"," Error ")
End Try
End Sub
I removed All SQL.(whatever) form here - moved the "Return sb.ToString" to the end and now all is fine...
In the help for BeginTransaction it states: "It is very important to handle transaction carefully and close them" - (or suffer the consequences....)
Now - on to a new post - proper Handling of multiple calls to ExecuteRemoteQuery using httputils...