Record video with an overlay


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Is there a way to record a video and superimpose, or overlay, text/graphics on the video? Similar to how they put the score on the screen during a football game.

I am able to record a video but I don't see anyway to add the text/graphics.

Thank you in advance!



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During playback would be fine. I want to record video and have an overlay when it is being viewed.

Have you ever used the software? I will check it out.


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During playback would be fine. I want to record video and have an overlay when it is being viewed.

I have a biking application and I want to take movies when it is strapped to my handle bars & overlay the current speed & elevation gain/loss.

I can currently start the camera when I am above 20mph and below 8mph.

When I am watching it back I would like to know how fast I was going during that exact time of the ride.

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I can currently start the camera when I am above 20mph and below 8mph.
This can never happen!!!

When I am watching it back I would like to know how fast I was going during that exact time of the ride.
In this case you need the overlay on recording, not on playback.
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This can never happen!!!

I have a timer that checks the GPS speed and issues the record command when the speed is above & below a threshold. It then issues a stop command when the speed is below & above the threshold.

It 'works' in the IDE, why wouldn't it work on a phone?

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You will need to write some kind of time/sync simple database (time of video:speed) and store
the speeds to then be triggered/overlay-ed back on top of the video during playback
with a panel/label on top of the video player. (not that hard)

The video will never have the speed's burnt into the video to upload to youtube..etc
but it would work inside of your app, or for sharing video/data to other people with your app

or you need to go down the road less traveled of java/ndk

Processing Android video frame by frame while recording - Stack Overflow
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