Redim Preserve?


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Redim Preserve, optional paramaters, alpha blending?

The most useful part of VB was the ability to redimension arrays at run time.
Does B4A let you do that?
EDIT: I have discovered you use Lists instead.

And I cant seem to get optional parameters working
And can you draw bitmaps with an alpha/transparency level?
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B4X founder
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There is no redim preserve functionality. You should use a List instead of an array. A list is a sophisticated dynamic array.

Optional parameters are not supported.
You can draw bitmaps with transparent regions. However for now you cannot draw bitmaps with partial transparent. Other drawings can be partial transparent.

See this tutorial about differences between VB to Basic4android:
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Ha! I'm actually reading that right now.

How do I do these other drawings then? And by 'partial transparent' you mean translucency/alpha blending?
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Ah, it appears i should learn OpenGL. Which I assume only works on the full version.

What scares me is that you only get updates for 2 months...
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You can play with the Canvas object with the trial version as well.

I cant seem to get it to draw with an alpha

Fills the entire canvas with the given color.
Canvas1.DrawColor(Colors.ARGB(100, 255, 0, 0)) 'fills with semi-transparent red color.

This doesnt do what I want. I want to draw a bitmap at an alpha, not overlap a color on top of it.
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If you can afford spending a little bit more, then get the enterprise-version and you are good for 2 years! If I recall, the enterprise-version is now being offered at a reduced price.

Best money I have ever spent on a software for development.

What scares me is that you only get updates for 2 months...
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I just noticed that... It's an odd pricing scheme... I'm used to different levels of VB6 getting different features and free updates

Problem is I just spent a lot on my phone (Xperia Play) and I have a vacation coming up (Anime North) so money's a little tight at the moment
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