If you use the DependsOn attribute in your library like this:
@DependsOn(values = { "jcifs" })
(Assuming the library file you want to include is named
jcifs.jar - notice you don't include the file extension in the DependsOn attribute).
Then jcifs.jar must be included in your B4A additional libraries folder - along with your library .jar and .xml files.
As you've found it doesn't instruct Eclipse to package the jcifs.jar file with your library .jar file.
Manually adding jcifs.jar to your library .jar file using WinRAR works as you have found BUT if the jcifs.jar file gets updated at any point in the future then your library will contain an old version of jcifs.jar, a minor disadvantage of that solution.
If you have the source code for a library that you want compiled into your B4A library then that is possible.
You create a new project in Eclipse and import the source code for the library you want to add to your B4A library.
Then in your B4A library build path, change the reference to the other library from the .jar file to the new project you just created.
(Reference the source NOT the .jar file).
Click the Order and Export tab in build path and check the checkbox for the source code library project.
(As i suggested you try in my earlier post).
You should now find that your compiled B4A library is compiled with the other library included.
No need for DependsOn or WinRAR.