Hi everyone,
Could anybody help me how to replace space with 60h ?
I'm working on integration with an API , if a send a string that contain " "(space) the API replace with +
Based on the documentation description :"NamePLU - 30 symbols for article's name plus separator for MU=60h"
If PLUName.Contains(" ") Then
PLUName= Regex.Replace(" ",PLUName,"\<")
End If
I think it is useless to post the project , because my app communicate with an API witch is connected to a cash register.
This is the the documentation
<Command Name="SellPLUwithSpecifiedVAT" CmdByte="0x31">
<FPOperation>Register the sell (for correction use minus sign in the price field) of article with specified name, price, quantity, VAT class and/or discount/addition on the transaction.</FPOperation>
<Arg Name="NamePLU" Value="" Type="Text" MaxLen="36">
<Desc>30 symbols for article's name plus separator for MU=60h
followed up to 3 symbols for unit plus 2 symbols spaces</Desc>
<Arg Name="OptionVATClass" Value="" Type="Option" MaxLen="1">
<Option Name="Alte taxe" Value="F" />
<Option Name="VAT Class A" Value="A" />
<Option Name="VAT Class B" Value="B" />
<Option Name="VAT Class C" Value="C" />
<Option Name="VAT Class D" Value="D" />
<Option Name="VAT Class E" Value="E" />
<Desc>1 symbol for article's VAT class with optional values:
- 'A' - VAT Class A
- 'B' - VAT Class B
- 'C' - VAT Class C
- 'D' - VAT Class D
- 'E' - VAT Class E
- 'F' - Alte taxe</Desc>
<Arg Name="Price" Value="" Type="Decimal" MaxLen="10">
<Desc>1 to 10 symbols for article's price</Desc>
<Arg Name="Quantity" Value="" Type="Decimal" MaxLen="10">
<Desc>1 to 10 symbols for quantity</Desc>
<Meta MinLen="1" Compulsory="false" ValIndicatingPresence="*" />
<Arg Name="DiscAddP" Value="" Type="Decimal" MaxLen="7">
<Desc>1 to 7 for percentage of discount/addition</Desc>
<Meta MinLen="1" Compulsory="false" ValIndicatingPresence="," />
<Arg Name="DiscAddV" Value="" Type="Decimal" MaxLen="8">
<Desc>1 to 8 for value of discount/addition</Desc>
<Meta MinLen="1" Compulsory="false" ValIndicatingPresence=":" />
<Arg Name="DiscNamed" Value="" Type="Decimal" MaxLen="8">
<Desc>1 to 8 symbols for value of named discount</Desc>
<Meta MinLen="1" Compulsory="false" ValIndicatingPresence="@" />
<Arg Name="Category" Value="" Type="Decimal_with_format" MaxLen="7" Format="0000.00">
<Desc>Up to 7 symbols for PLU Category code in format ####.##</Desc>
<Meta MinLen="1" Compulsory="false" ValIndicatingPresence="+" />
<Arg Name="NamePLUextension" Value="" Type="Text" MaxLen="12">
<Desc>12 symbols for extension of the PLU Name: FP Only</Desc>
<Meta MinLen="12" Compulsory="false" ValIndicatingPresence="!" />
<Arg Name="AdditionalNamePLU" Value="" Type="Text" MaxLen="108">
<Desc>108 symbols for additional PLU name</Desc>
<Meta MinLen="108" Compulsory="false" ValIndicatingPresence=";" />
<ArgsFormatRaw><![CDATA[ <NamePLU[36]> <;> <OptionVATClass[1]> <;> <Price[1..10]> {<'*'> <Quantity[1..10]>} {<','> <DiscAddP[1..7]>} {<':'><DiscAddV[1..8]>} {<'@'><DiscNamed[1..8]>} {<'+'><Category[1..7]>} {<'!'><NamePLUextension[12]>} {<;><AdditionalNamePLU[108]> } ]]></ArgsFormatRaw>
Below you can see the main part of communication
Sub Submit_Action(command As String)As ResumableSub
'Dim command As String = "SellPLUWithSpecifiedVat(NamePLU=Article1,OptionVATClass=A,Price=10.2,Quantity=1,DiscAddP=0,DiscAddV=0)"
Dim command As String = command' "CashPayCloseReceipt()"
Dim su As StringUtils
command = su.EncodeUrl(command, "UTF-8")
Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("",Me )
j.Download("http://localhost:4444/" & command)
Wait For(j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
Return Code
End If
End Sub
Public Sub sellItem(PLUName As String,VATRate As String,UnitPrice As String,quantity As String,DiscProc As String,DiscVal As String) As String
If PLUName.Contains(" ") Then
PLUName= Regex.Replace(" ",PLUName,"<")
End If
Return $"SellPLUWithSpecifiedVat(NamePLU=${PLUName},OptionVATClass=${VATRate}$,Price=${UnitPrice},quantity=${quantity},DiscAddP=${DiscProc},DiscAddV=${DiscVal})"$
End Sub
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