Sometime back, I asked about encrypting the 'code' in the compiled EXE to make it looks more garbage.. this makes it more harder for novice crackers to hack the program, or to make it takes more time for them to break it. Yes, no program is hack/crack proof.. but if we start by making the 'code' looks garbage, it may not be worth the time for crackers to break it.
At the moment, what I did is a simple primitive prevention. I'd test my completed project first and once done, I will save it to another filename. From there, I would rename all functions, variables, etc., into random cryptic alphanumeric words. For example.. if I have a function 'validateCode', it will be renamed as 'kn5' and so on. As many known variables/subs are renamed so that it does not 'sensible/readable' if you use a hex editor to peek. For me, I simply load the whole compiled EXE into wordpad and see whether I can see 'readable function/veriable names'.. and if so, I will renamed them again... and then compile it as 'finished' product.
If you load your compiled EXE into wordpad, you can stil see portions of your code. In some cases, numeric starings are seen... especially if you have formula...etc. Instead of:
If A = 1234 then
I would change my values to something like:
y = x + (x+1) ' 5
z = (((((y*y)*y)*x)*x)*x) + ((((y*y)*x)*x)*x) + (((x^(x+x))+1)*x)
If A = z then
this way, if you peek at the code of your compiled exe.. it sure looks garbage. Of course, reserved function/variables names used by Basic4PPC can still be seen.. so if the whole compiled EXE is encrypted.. itmakes it harder for cracking.
The key issue it to make it harder for casual hackers.. or make it takes more time to probe.. by then hopefully they'd have given up...
Hopefully Erel can think about something on the development side to have an encrypted compiled EXE.
Anyway, feature that would be great is to have a 'flush' taps/keyboard function.. will it will flush off all keystrokes/taps.. in case there are 'active spy' program running that invokes when a key/tap is pressed. This is a also useful if you have a process running.. and users tap on the screen a few times.. and when the process end.. you may find the program executing the 'unwanted keypress'...