Hello everyone
I've now gone through all the settings according to Erel's video and generated everything that way. Here is my last error message when compiling:
B4i Version: 7.80
Parse den Code. (0.11s)
Building folders structure. (0.08s)
Kompiliere den Code. (0.26s)
Kompiliere Layoutcode. (0.01s)
Kompiliere Debugger-Code (0.04s)
Erstelle Xcode-Projekt. (0.18s)
Projekt für Builder vorbereiten. (0.14s)
Projektgröße: 0.62 MB
Sende Daten an entfernten Compiler. Error
Error: security: SecKeychainItemImport: Unknown format in import.
I have now tried everything several times in Apple Developer. Unsuccessful. The B4i developer license that I bought also includes support for 2 years. I've emailed support several times and haven't gotten a response yet. Is there any way I can get B4i running again?
Greetings Günter Rauch
I have now tried everything several times in Apple Developer. Unsuccessful. The B4i developer license that I bought also includes support for 2 years. I've emailed support several times and haven't gotten a response yet. Is there any way I can get B4i running again?
Greetings Günter Rauch
If you want I can send you the necessary files created with a windows 10 computer. (Perhaps Windows 11 is the problem - was it for me.) The disadvantage would be that I know the password and the private key. But you could see whether it helps.
The way I solve such cases is by:
1. Start with a new keys folder.
2. Revoke all certificates.
3. Create a new certificate + provision profile based on the screenshots in the tutorial.
I know that it can be confusing especially when there is already an existing certificate or private key.