Hi guys,
I just want a confirmation that these steps are correct when APN certificate is about to expire
I just want a confirmation that these steps are correct when APN certificate is about to expire
- From Apple developer console generate the new APN certrificate aps.cer and copy it in B4i keys folder
- in B4i Keys folder, leave only the new aps.cer (move to other folders other existing .cer like IOS_Distribution)
- From B4i IDE, Tool-Build server-Create push keystore (Firebase service). A new firebase_push.p12 file is generated
- Move to "cloud messaging section" in Firebase console
- Update the .p12 file, using the B4i Private sign Key as password
- From B4i IDE, Tool-Build server-Create push keystore (B4X push server). A new Push.Keystore file is generated.
- Move to the B4J app that need to generate notifications and copy in its folder the new Push.Keystore
- restore back the IOS_Distribution.cer in the B4i keys folder
- From Apple developer console, revoke the certificate expiring