For banded text reports. It has a run-time engine and is open-source. Output report to any format (I use PDF mostly).
Thanks to the lib, you can run it from ABM.
I just finished modifying a report to calculate properly...
This tidbit formats a time expression ( 01:54 )
new("java.text.DecimalFormat","#00").format( (($C_SHTIME / 3600).intValue() ) ) +":"+
new("java.text.DecimalFormat","#00").format( ( $C_SHTIME / 60 % 60 ) )
The problem was: $C_SHTIME / 3600) produces a number like 1.9524. The resulting number was rounded up to 2 (naturally - but wrong). I needed 1 (hour).
$C_SHTIME / 3600).intValue() solved the problem.... It returns the non-rounded int of the decimal number. Took many days to find this answer.
This case demonstrates you
must know (some) java - or know where to look and what to ask!!!
For charts and graphs...