B4J Question Report tool for ABMaterial


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Longtime User
what is the best reporting tool for ABMaterial.....am trying to check whether highcharts can be intergrated into the framework anyone who has done?


Licensed User
Longtime User

For banded text reports. It has a run-time engine and is open-source. Output report to any format (I use PDF mostly).
Thanks to the lib, you can run it from ABM.

I just finished modifying a report to calculate properly...

This tidbit formats a time expression ( 01:54 )
new("java.text.DecimalFormat","#00").format( (($C_SHTIME / 3600).intValue() ) ) +":"+
new("java.text.DecimalFormat","#00").format( ( $C_SHTIME / 60 % 60 ) )

The problem was: $C_SHTIME / 3600) produces a number like 1.9524. The resulting number was rounded up to 2 (naturally - but wrong). I needed 1 (hour).
$C_SHTIME / 3600).intValue() solved the problem.... It returns the non-rounded int of the decimal number. Took many days to find this answer.

This case demonstrates you must know (some) java - or know where to look and what to ask!!!


For charts and graphs...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hae all where can i find this jar file ...commons-jexl-2.1.1.jar

i have got it ....
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