Hi to all,
I need your help/suggestion... Need to create some desktop application, which need to have possibility to print some operative reports (like delivery notes, invoices, ...). Usually I used Jasper reports; but here is to much problems when I need to distribute app to linux and windows user computers... (I have created some example to test logic and with lot of @Erels help - thank for that - was on end to complicate to creating distribution packet - too much steps, ...). So I decide that will switch to another reporting tool which can be easy to implement and distribute in B4J platform; because - I want to stay on B4J!!! It's really nice programmers tool with great community (people making real world!)... And I want to be part of this world... So, please, suggest me which reporting tool should I use for creating a operative reporting (Invoices, Delivery notes, ...)
Best regards and thanks for help...