Android Question request successful, but no ad returned due to lack of ad inventory.


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i try add AdMob to my application.

i saw banner of Admob only 1 times in my phone. I got this error "request successful, but no ad returned due to lack of ad inventory."

I dont use simulator. I work with phone.

My app's language is turkish. I think maybe there is no so much advertise in this language.

I am not sure i am right or no. I wonder is my code right or not.

Any Help ?


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Are you filtering any ads?, in other words, not allowing certain kind of ads to be displayed?, also, check if you have enabled AdSense backfill, that means, that AdSense will display ads to fill the gap until you get another ad.

AdMob will issue very little ads to newly create accounts, the more users your app gets and the more popular it becomes, the more ads it will get and more frequently.
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i dont have any filter. i just create new and get my ID.

i try show banner with this ID
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