Researching An Algorythm For A Word Game (Solved)


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Further to the discussion here: Anagram solving by Regex or SQL I have been presented with a new challenge....

A word game presents you with 9 letters at random. When I say random, the balance between vowels and consonants is selected by the player so as to offer the best chance of making the longest word. The vowels/consonants chosen are generated at random and might be duplicated. Each letters may only be used once, and the player finding the longest word is the winner! Those of you familiar with 'Countdown' or 'Des Chiffres Et Des Lettres' will already understand the game.

I am employing an SQL database that is already populated with c350k words and the 'Signature' of each word that was previously generated for solving anagrams, for example: 'abandoned' has a signature of 'a2b1d2e1n2o1'.

Making the first pass searching for 9 letter matches is really easy as you generate a 'Signature' from the 9 letters and look for matches. Thereafter it starts to get complicated. If you don't find any 9 letter words you have to start excluding letters from the signature in a manner that covers all possible permutations. Let's say I am not interested in 4 letter words so I need to scan all possibilities from 9 down to 5 letters.

What is the most logical method?
For 8 letters I carry out 8 SQL SELECT passes excluding a single character from the signature in sequence 1-9.
For 7 letter words I need to exclude 2 letters at each SELECT pass..... So 1+2, 1+3, 1+4.... until 1+9. The 2+3, 2+4 etc....

As you can see by the time you get to 5 letters there has been an awful lot of SQL activity and I am starting to think there must be a much better way of doing this!

Any suggestions?


Licensed User
Have a column for each letter, being an integer count of that letter in the word, from 0 to 9? or just one column with string of 26 digits?

One SQL SELECT will do it, albeit it will have up to 9 letter count filter terms, one for each unique selection letter.

Or 26 terms, if you work down from the top end too, eg if you have 4 selection letters b a i j then each of those letters is NumLetter >= 1 And NumLetter <= 6, and each of the other 22 letters is NumLetter >= 0 and NumLetter <= 5.
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Licensed User
Hang on, can't SQL do substring matches? In which case, a single query with a clause for each unique letter in the selection letters to check that the letter is contained within the list word, should filter it down to the point just the actual possibilities, perhaps with some extraneous close-but-no-cigar hits caused by duplicate selection letters.


1/ create another signature column, which is just all letters of the word, but sorted eg 'abandoned' has a signature of 'aabddenno'

2/ seach by similarly-grouped selection letters, eg if the search letters are every second letter ie a a d n d, sort and group that to aa dd n, and do a SELECT for signatures that contain all of those letter groups, probably something like:
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE signature LIKE '%aa%'
  AND signature LIKE '%dd%'
  AND signature LIKE '%n%'


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
@emexes ..... I don't think your first post will work as Word LIKE '%a%' also returns all instances of 'aa' in a word as well as 'a'. To avoid that, the query has to be written so the length of the results returned equal the length of the clue submitted.

You are onto something with a simple alphabetic signature. However, as I said above, to submit multiple SQL queries to cover every possible combination is cumbersome and code heavy. If there is some way of avoiding that I await with interest.


Licensed User
I don't think your first post will work as Word LIKE '%a%' also returns all instances of 'aa' in a word as well as 'a'.

I'm always happy to be proven wrong, but here I feel we were thinking along parallel but not-quite-the-same tracks.

I understood the problem puzzle challenge to be to find all words that have at least all of the search letters in them. So searching for words with letters a p e in them would return words like apple.

But if you wanted to specify exact, or minimum, numbers of letters, then delimit the signature and search letter groups, eg with /

eg using your example word abandoned, signature would be /aa/b/dd/e/nn/o/
and then searching for /a/ would only match words with a single letter a,
and not match words with more than one letter a like abandoned

eg using my example word apple, signature would be /a/e/l/pp/
and then searching for /p/ would only match words with a single p,
and not match words with more than one letter p like apple

also with delimited signature letter groups, now:

searching for /p/ will match words with exactly one p
searching for p will match words with one or more p's
searching for /pp/ will match words with exactly two p's
searching for pp will match words with two or more p's
searching for /ppp/ will match words with exactly three p's
searching for ppp will match words with three or more p's
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William Lancee

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Longtime User
My 2 cents:

Have 26 columns corresponding to the letters of the alphabet (as @emexes suggested). Each column will have the count of that letter in a legal word (0 to 9).
Given a hint of 9 letters... put the count of these letters into a 26 item vector similar to the legal word signatures.

Any word that has letters not in the hint is not valid.
Therefore if the counts in the 26-item words vector are greater than the counts in the 26-item hint vector, the word is not a valid word.

I am pretty sure it is possible to create a one pass query (albeit lengthy) that could do that task :)
(It can be done in a native B4X code without SQL)


Licensed User
if the counts in the 26-item words vector are greater than the counts in the 26-item hint vector, the word is not a valid word.

Hmm, I think you're right: I've been approaching this from the wrong direction, and now I understand this:

I don't think your first post will work

but if we make the SQL condition come at it from the wrong (!) direction too, then I think I can clutch victory from the jaws of defeat:

eg, for hint signature /aa/ee/ll/pp/ then this query

SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE signature NOT LIKE '%aaa%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%b%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%c%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%d%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%eee%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%f%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%g%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%h%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%i%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%j%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%k%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%lll%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%m%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%n%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%o%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%ppp%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%q%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%r%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%s%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%t%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%u%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%v%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%w%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%x%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%y%'
  AND signature NOT LIKE '%z%'

should find all words able to be constructed from those 8 hint letters, including words shorter than 8 letters long.

I hope. :rolleyes:
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William Lancee

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
And this works because the signature is /aaa/ instead of a3, and /aaa/ matches /aaaa/
Next time I am about to be defeated I'll be searching for you.


Licensed User
in case ever want to search for exact letter count

although this might achieve same without needing delimiters:
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE signature LIKE '%aa%' AND signature NOT LIKE '%aaa%'
ie here matches words with exactly two letter a's


Active Member
Licensed User
Try this. This might interest you.

The SQLite db is too big to attach.
Create a word table like this.

CREATE TABLE "lexique" (
    "Lex_ID"    INTEGER,
    "Ortho"    TEXT,


Copy the full code and Run.
#Region Shared Files
#CustomBuildAction: folders ready, %WINDIR%\System32\Robocopy.exe,"..\..\Shared Files" "..\Files"
'Ctrl + click to sync files: ide://run?file=%WINDIR%\System32\Robocopy.exe&args=..\..\Shared+Files&args=..\Files&FilesSync=True
#End Region

'Ctrl + click to export as zip: ide://run?File=%B4X%\Zipper.jar&

Sub Class_Globals
    Private Root As B4XView
    Private xui As XUI
    Private db As SQL
    Private Label1 As Label
    Private myWORD As String
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
'    B4XPages.GetManager.LogEvents = True
End Sub

'This event will be called once, before the page becomes visible.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    If Not(File.Exists(File.DirApp, "lex.db3")) Then
        File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "lex.db3", File.DirApp, "lex.db3")
    End If
    db.InitializeSQLite(File.DirApp, "lex.db3", True)
    myWORD = "abaca"
    Dim matches As List
    ' Reduce the length of the word until a match is found or the word is empty
    Do While myWORD.Length > 0
        Dim permutations As Map = GenerateUniquePermutations(myWORD)
        matches = FindMatchesInDB
        myWORD = myWORD.SubString2(0, myWORD.Length - 1) ' Reduce word length
    For Each match As String In matches
        Log("Match found : " & match)

End Sub

' Generate all unique permutations of a word
Sub GenerateUniquePermutations(s As String) As Map
    Dim res As Map
    If s.Length = 1 Then
        res.Put(s, True)
        Return res
    End If
    For i = 0 To s.Length - 1
        Dim ch As String = s.CharAt(i)
        Dim rem As String = s.SubString2(0, i) & s.SubString(i + 1)
        Dim perms As Map = GenerateUniquePermutations(rem)
        For Each perm As String In perms.Keys
            res.Put(ch & perm, True)
    Return res
End Sub

' Insert permutations into database
Sub InsertPermutationsIntoDB(permutations As Map)
    db.ExecNonQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS temp_permutations (word TEXT)")
    db.ExecNonQuery("DELETE FROM temp_permutations;")
    For Each perm As String In permutations.Keys
        Log("Inserting the permutation : " & perm &" - "&myWORD.Length)
        db.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO temp_permutations (word) VALUES (?)", Array As Object(perm))
End Sub

' Find matches in the database
Sub FindMatchesInDB As List
    Dim matches As List
    Dim RS As ResultSet = db.ExecQuery("SELECT lexique.Ortho FROM lexique JOIN temp_permutations ON lexique.Ortho = temp_permutations.word")
    Do While RS.NextRow
        Dim word As String = RS.GetString("Ortho")
        Log("Word found : " & word)
    Return matches
End Sub

William Lancee

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User

I am a Scrabble fan, so I happened to have a dataset of 370,000 words to test things on.
I tried @emexes SQL approach using word signatures like aabddennno FOR abandonned
The SELECT statement is as shown in post #7.

It took about 45min to build the SQL database (using the slow INSERT - not the Bulk Insert since the signature needed to be computed).
But after that, the Select query was correct and extremely fast: 2msecs for all words of any length with the letters in the hint "bandodaen"
There were 211 valid words.

The database is about 10MegaBytes.

I checked how that compared to a non-SQL native B4X code approach. The same task took 16msecs. Not bad, but 8 times slower than the SQL query.
Both methods gave the same results: 211 valid words. Those with 6 letters or more are:


Conclusion: @emexes post is a very good solution.

The experiment database is too bulky to upload. So I have posted the code below to show what I did.

Sub Class_Globals
    Private Root As B4XView  'ignore
    Private xui As XUI
    Private words As List
    Private markTime As Long
    Private db As SQL
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
    markTime =
    words = File.ReadList(File.DirAssets, "words_alpha.txt")    'This is my dictionary of 370,103 words - just the words
    Log($"Reading ${words.Size} words from file  ==>  Time = ${DateTime.Now - markTime} msecs"$)
    'Reading 370103 words from file  ==>  Time = 39 msecs

    Dim offset As Int = Asc("a")
    Dim n(26) As Int
    Dim w As String = "abandonned"  
    For j = 0 To w.length - 1
        Dim q As Int = Asc(w.charAt(j)) - offset
        n(q) = n(q) + 1
    Dim sb As StringBuilder
    For k = 0 To 25
        Dim letter As String = Chr(offset + k)
        Dim cnt As Int = n(k)
        For m = 0 To cnt - 1
    Dim signature As String = sb.toString

    'create SQL db table1
    db.InitializeSQLite(File.DirApp, "lex.db3", True)

    markTime =
    Dim hint As String = "bandodaen"
    Dim offset As Int = Asc("a")
    Dim n(26) As Int
    For j = 0 To hint.length - 1
        Dim q As Int = Asc(hint.charAt(j)) - offset
        n(q) = n(q) + 1

    Dim sb As StringBuilder
    sb.Append("Select * FROM table1").Append(CRLF).Append("WHERE col2 Not LIKE ")
    For i = 0 To 25
        Dim sw As StringBuilder
        For j = 0 To n(i)
            sw.Append(Chr(offset + i))
        If i < 25 Then sb.Append(CRLF).Append("And col2 Not LIKE ")
    Dim Cursor As ResultSet
    Cursor = db.ExecQuery(sb.toString)
    Log($"SQL: Search for all valid words with letters in the hint ${hint}  ==>  Time = ${DateTime.Now - markTime} msecs"$)
    'SQL: Search for all valid words with letters in the hint bandodaen  ==>  Time = 3 msecs

    Dim validWords As List
    Do While Cursor.NextRow
        Dim w As String = Cursor.GetString("col1")
        validWords.Add((1000 + w.Length) & w)
    Log("______valid words 6 or more letters____________")
    For i = 0 To validWords.Size - 1
        Dim w As String = validWords.Get(i)
        If w.Length < 10 Then Exit
    Log("Native B4X: ____________________________________")
End Sub

Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    Dim offset As Int = Asc("a")
    markTime =
    For i = 0 To words.Size - 1
        Dim w As String = words.Get(i)
        Dim n(26) As Int
        For j = 0 To w.length - 1
            Dim q As Int = Asc(w.charAt(j)) - offset
            n(q) = n(q) + 1
        words.Set(i, Array(w, n))
    Log($"Indexing all ${words.Size} words  ==>  Time = ${DateTime.Now - markTime} msecs"$)
    'Indexing all 370103 words  ==>  Time = 43 msecs

    Dim hint As String = "bandodaen"
    Dim m(26) As Int
    For j = 0 To hint.length - 1
        Dim q As Int = Asc(hint.charAt(j)) - offset
        m(q) = m(q) + 1

    markTime =
    Dim validWords As List
    For i = 0 To words.Size - 1
        Dim ar() As Object = words.Get(i)
        Dim w As String = ar(0)
        Dim n() As Int = ar(1)
        Dim invalid As Boolean
        For j = 0 To 25
            If n(j) > m(j) Then
                invalid = True
            End If
        If Not(invalid) Then validWords.Add((1000 + w.Length) & w)
    Log($"Search for all valid words with letters in the hint ${hint}  ==>  Time = ${DateTime.Now - markTime} msecs"$)
    'Search for all valid words with letters in the hint bandodaen  ==>  Time = 16 msecs

    Log(TAB & TAB &  $"(result has ${validWords.Size} words)"$)
    Log("______valid words 6 or more letters____________")
    For i = 0 To validWords.Size - 1
        Dim w As String = validWords.Get(i)
        If w.Length < 10 Then Exit
'Reading 370103 words from File  ==>  Time = 41 msecs
'Indexing all 370103 words  ==>  Time = 44 msecs
'Search For all valid words with letters in the hint bandodaen  ==>  Time = 16 msecs

'        (result has 211 words)
'______valid words 6 or more letters____________
End Sub

'Code for creating the data base (slow method takes about 45 minutes - Bulk insert is faster)
'    db.ExecNonQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table1")
'    db.ExecNonQuery("CREATE TABLE table1 (col1 TEXT, col2 TEXT)")
'    Dim offset As Int = Asc("a")
'    For Each w As String In words
'        Dim n(26) As Int
'        For j = 0 To w.length - 1
'            Dim q As Int = Asc(w.charAt(j)) - offset
'            n(q) = n(q) + 1
'        Next
'        Dim sb As StringBuilder
'        sb.initialize
'        For k = 0 To 25
'            Dim letter As String = Chr(offset + k)
'            Dim cnt As Int = n(k)
'            For m = 0 To cnt - 1
'                sb.Append(letter)
'            Next
'        Next
'        Dim signature As String = sb.toString
'        Log(signature)
'        db.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(?, ?)", Array As Object(w, signature))
'    Next
'    Log($"Created the SQL db with ${words.Size} words ==>  Time = ${DateTime.Now - markTime} msecs"$)


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Longtime User
I started with a string variable that contained a-z, then removed every character that was in the clue. I then updated a boolean variable in the database for each letter that was absent. I then executed

SELECT Word FROM EnglishWords WHERE ExcludeWord = 0 And LENGTH (Word) < 10 ORDER BY LENGTH (Word) DESC LIMIT 100

This worked fine until you realise you lose out on using the repeated characters. I am going to have a go at the pure SQL method suggested by @emexes now.


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
@emexes You were sooooo close with your SQL query in post #7! I have compared methods as suggested above and debugging using B4J I think I have found the slickest. You need to do it like this...

SELECT Word FROM English WHERE....

Words with 3 instances of 'x' use... AND Signature NOT LIKE '%xxxx%'
Words with 2 instances of 'x' use... AND Signature NOT LIKE '%xxx%'
Words with 1 instance of 'x' use... AND Signature NOT LIKE '%xx%'

All other letters NOT present use... AND Signature NOT LIKE '%x%'


Constructing the text query from the signatures is a bit of a PITA but execution is fast with the single SQL query. My B4J example attached....

'Non-UI application (console / server application)
#Region Project Attributes
    #MergeLibraries: True     
    #AdditionalJar: sqlite-jdbc-
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    Dim SQL As SQL
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
    Dim Rs As ResultSet
    Dim MasterClue As String = "abandoned"
    Dim AnagramSignature As String = AnagramCreateSignature(MasterClue)    'Signature  looks like 'a2b1d1n2o1'
    Dim LetterCodes As List
    For Count = 0 To AnagramSignature.Length -2 Step 2                    'Carve up a list of letter Signature codes
        LetterCodes.Add(AnagramSignature.SubString2(Count,Count +2))
    Dim ModAlphabet As String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"            'Start with the whole alphabet
    Dim ExcludePhrase As List
    For Count = 0 To LetterCodes.Size -1
        Dim Letter, Letter2 As String
        Dim Frequency As Int
        Dim Code As String = LetterCodes.Get(Count)
        Letter = Code.CharAt(0)
        Letter2 = Code.CharAt(1)
        Frequency = Letter2                                                'Casting String to Int!
        Dim ModLetter As String
        ModLetter = Replicate(Letter,Frequency +1)                   
        ExcludePhrase.Add("%" & ModLetter & "%")                        'Append duplicate letters, add an extra letter and make it a wildcard '%xx% or '%xxx%'           
        ModAlphabet = ModAlphabet.Replace(Letter,"")                    'Remove all instances of single clue letters in Alphabet
    For Count = 0 To ModAlphabet.Length -1                                 'Append the single letters to the wildcard list
        ExcludePhrase.Add("%" & ModAlphabet.CharAt(Count)& "%")   

    ExcludePhrase.Sort(True)                                            'Makes debugging a lot easier!
    For Count = 0 To ExcludePhrase.Size -1                                'Construct the SQL conditionals within the existing list
        Dim Phrase As String
        Phrase = $"AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '${ExcludePhrase.Get(Count)}' "$
    Dim Sb As StringBuilder
    Sb.Append("SELECT Word FROM English WHERE ")
    For Count = 0 To ExcludePhrase.Size -1                                'Construct the SQL Query
        If Count < ExcludePhrase.Size -1 Then
            Sb.Append(ExcludePhrase.Get(Count) & "AND ")
            Sb.Append(ExcludePhrase.Get(Count))                            'AND' Is not needed on the last pass
        End If
    Sb.Append(" ORDER BY LENGTH(Word) DESC LIMIT 100")
    Dim Query As String = Sb.ToString
    Rs = SQL.ExecQuery(Query)
    Do While Rs.NextRow
End Sub

Sub AnagramCreateSignature(Anagram As String) As String              'Returns a signature like 'a2b1d1n2o1'
    Dim CharList As List
    Dim AnagramSorted As String
    'Sort the Anagram alphabeticly
    For i = 0 To Anagram.Length -1
    Dim Sb As StringBuilder
    For i = 0 To CharList.Size -1
    AnagramSorted = Sb.ToString
    'Create the signature
    Dim LetterCount As Int
    Dim Letter, Signature As String
    For a = 97 To 122
        LetterCount = 0
        Letter = Chr(a)
        If AnagramSorted.Contains(Letter) Then
            For i = 0 To Anagram.Length -1
                If Anagram.CharAt(i) = Letter Then LetterCount = LetterCount +1
        End If
        If LetterCount <> 0 Then Signature = Signature & Letter & LetterCount
    Return Signature
End Sub

Sub Replicate(subj As String, times As Int) As String        'Returns a character replicated in length X times
    Dim retval As String
    If times = subj.Length Then Return subj
    For count = 1 To times
        retval = retval & subj
    Return retval
End Sub


Licensed User
You were sooooo close

I think you and I are using the same "algorythm" but I explained by example and you've it explained better. 🍻

I feel like your constructing of the query is inside-out. But maybe there's something I'm not seeing. Let me get the first caffeine of the day into me, and I'll give it a go.

(for fun: if yours works, it works, and usually I'm like if it ain't broke, don't fix it... but it's an interesting puzzle anyway)
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Licensed User
Running this outside-in code:
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)

    Log("*** Single line query ***" & CRLF & MakeQuery("abandoned", False))
    Log("*** Multiline query ***"   & CRLF & MakeQuery("abandoned", True ))

End Sub

Sub MakeQuery(MasterClue As String, MultiLineFlag As Boolean) As String
    If MasterClue <> MasterClue.ToLowerCase Then
        Log("MasterClue """ & MasterClue & """ is not lowercase")
    End If

    Dim ModAlphabet As String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"            'Start with the whole alphabet

    Dim Sb As StringBuilder
    Sb.Append("SELECT Word FROM English WHERE")
    Dim Glue As String = " "
    If MultiLineFlag Then Glue = CRLF & "    "
    For Count = 0 To ModAlphabet.Length - 1
        Dim Letter As Char = ModAlphabet.CharAt(Count)
        Glue = " AND "
        If MultiLineFlag Then Glue = CRLF & "AND "
        Sb.Append("AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%")
        For I = 0 To MasterClue.Length - 1
            If MasterClue.CharAt(I) = Letter Then
            End If
        Next 'I
    Next 'Count
    Glue = " "
    If MultiLineFlag Then Glue = CRLF
    Sb.Append("ORDER BY LENGTH(Word) DESC LIMIT 100")
    Return Sb.ToString
End Sub

produces this:
Log output:
Waiting for debugger to connect...
Program started.
*** Single line query ***
SELECT Word FROM English WHERE AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%aaa%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%bb%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%c%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%ddd%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%ee%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%f%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%g%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%h%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%i%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%j%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%k%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%l%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%m%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%nnn%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%oo%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%p%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%q%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%r%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%s%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%t%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%u%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%v%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%w%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%x%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%y%' AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%z%'  ORDER BY LENGTH(Word) DESC LIMIT 100
*** Multiline query ***
    AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%aaa%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%bb%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%c%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%ddd%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%ee%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%f%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%g%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%h%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%i%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%j%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%k%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%l%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%m%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%nnn%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%oo%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%p%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%q%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%r%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%s%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%t%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%u%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%v%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%w%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%x%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%y%' 
AND AlphaSignature NOT LIKE '%z%' 
Program terminated (StartMessageLoop was not called).
Last edited:


Licensed User
think I have found the slickest.

Usually when looping through the alphabet I use:

For L = 1 to 26
    Dim Letter As Char = Chr(96 + L)    'a..z

but I did like your explicit technique:

Dim ModAlphabet As String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"            'Start with the whole alphabet
For Count = 0 To ModAlphabet.Length - 1
    Dim Letter As Char = ModAlphabet.CharAt(Count)

that could also work for non-ASCII alphabets, and digits, and even hyphens etc 🏆


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
@emexes Yes I see you approached the problem from a different angle and ended up with less code in doing so, well done! Same destination... different road.

My English database does not contain any spaces or hyphens as they do not usually appear in word games. OTOH I have written similar stuff in French where you have a myriad of accented characters. Fortunately, you can either ignore the accents with SQL or simply un-accent the list of words in the database.