Sometimes the images we use in our Apps are overly large. In some cases, images are entered by the user and therefore we do not know the size. And to manage them we need them to fall within a certain Byte limit.
How to reduce them within the limit?
Here is a code that allows you to redimension the images while maintaining the proportion and returning within the Byte limit that serves us
How to reduce them within the limit?
Here is a code that allows you to redimension the images while maintaining the proportion and returning within the Byte limit that serves us
Dim B As Bitmap = ResizeBitmapMaxByte(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets,"test.png"),10240) ' 10 k
' Sub for resize
Sub ResizeBitmapMaxByte(Original As Bitmap, MaxByte As Long) As Bitmap
Dim ByteSize As Long
Dim ObjectBitmap As JavaObject = Original
Dim Api_Lelvel As JavaObject
If Api_Lelvel.GetField("SDK_INT") >= 19 Then 'kitkat
ByteSize = ObjectBitmap.RunMethod("getAllocationByteCount", Null)
else if Api_Lelvel.GetField("SDK_INT") >= 12 Then 'Android 3.1 Honeycomb
ByteSize = ObjectBitmap.RunMethod("getByteCount", Null)
Else 'earlier Android versions
ByteSize = ObjectBitmap.RunMethod("getRowBytes", Null) * Original.Height
End If
Dim Ratio As Float = Sqrt(MaxByte/ByteSize)
If Ratio<1 Then
Dim r As Reflector
Dim b As Bitmap
Dim Width As Int = (Original.Width * Ratio)
Dim Height As Int = (Original.Height * Ratio)
b = r.RunStaticMethod("", "createScaledBitmap", _
Array As Object(Original, Width , Height, False), _
Array As String("", "", "", "java.lang.boolean"))
Return b
Return Original
End If
End Sub
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