I want to resize views that were added with code so they can fit any screen.
Normally, i use the layout designer and then use the Excel document somebody provided here on the B4A forums so it will resize automatically.
Now I want to resize the views, but i'm stuck with the "%X" and "%Y".
I know the "*1%X" or "*1%Y" is wrong, but I cannot add something like this:
xImage%X, yImage%Y, etc
Any help?
I want to resize views that were added with code so they can fit any screen.
Normally, i use the layout designer and then use the Excel document somebody provided here on the B4A forums so it will resize automatically.
Now I want to resize the views, but i'm stuck with the "%X" and "%Y".
Dim leftImage, topImage, widthImage, heightImage As Double
Dim xImage, yImage, xImage2, yImage2 As Double
leftImage= 10
topImage = i*(imgHeight+imgSpace)
widthImage = imgWidth
heightImage = imgHeight
Dim strXImage, strYImage, strXImage2, strYImage2 As String
Dim dlbx As Double
xImage = (100*leftImage)/xPortrait
'strXImage = xImage &"%X"
yImage = (100*topImage)/yPortrait
xImage2 = (100*widthImage)/xPortrait
yImage2 = (100-heightImage)/yPortrait
I know the "*1%X" or "*1%Y" is wrong, but I cannot add something like this:
xImage%X, yImage%Y, etc
Any help?