When using the B4XFloatTextField control if I set the height to say 100dip the cursor appears above the base line displayed. If I reduce the height it moves closer to the base line displayed. How do i get the cursor position to start on the base line displayed regardless of the height I set.
The B4XFloatTextField is multiline with show accept button, H Align is LEFT, V align is BOTTOM
Please note that this is a programmatic fix to something that seems to not work in the Designer (the ability to set Horizontal Alignment / Vertical Alignment under Text Properties to other values besides LEFT (for Horizontal) and CENTER (for Vertical) and it being honored when running the application). Looks like @Roger Daley ran into the same issue (the TextEditor example uses B4XFloatTextField): https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/solved-texteditor-text-vertical-alignment.132936/