'reading string:
arrBytes = strString.GetBytes("UTF8")
'reading file, using File:
arrBytes = File.ReadBytes(tFF.strFolder, tFF.strFile)
'reading the file using RAF:
RAF.Initialize(tFF.strFolder, tFF.strFile, True)
lBytes = RAF.Size
Dim arrBytes(lBytes) As Byte
RAF.ReadBytes(arrBytes, 0, lBytes, 0)
Probably will need user input, that is for them to specify the column separator string at least
I specified ¬ as the value separator and Chr(34) as the value encloser and not sure yet how to determine these 2.
> 2/ there will be at least n of them on almost every lineIf the column separator is a single character, then you could probably identify it on the basis that:
1/ it is unlikely to be a letter or digit
2/ there will be at least n of them on almost every line
except for if the separator is space and can be one or more spaces. ?
Commas, tabs, pipes and spaces are the most common separators I've seen, but I've also seen semicolons, exclamation marks and forward and backward slashes. And now commas-with-high-bit-set too, thanks to your NHS data.
I'm sure that there are systems somewhere in the world that use other characters too. In fact, I'm starting to vaguely remember some data that used the ASCII field separator control code Chr(28) aka FS
Argh, just remembered your continental comrades using commas instead of decimal points. Also, if the data contains account or id numbers with dashes in them, then those dashes could easily be misidentified as field separators. Hmm. Perhaps these bridges are best left uncrossed untilweyou get to them. ?
Sub GetCharCounts(strLine As String) As Map
Dim i As Int
Dim mapCountChars As Map
Dim iCount As Int
Dim oChar As Char
For i = 0 To strLine.Length - 1
oChar = strLine.CharAt(i)
If mapCountChars.ContainsKey(oChar) Then
iCount = mapCountChars.Get(oChar)
mapCountChars.Put(oChar, iCount + 1)
mapCountChars.Put(oChar, 1)
End If
Return mapCountChars
End Sub
Sub DetectCharacterEncoding(TextBytes() As Byte) As ResumableSub
Dim i As Long
Dim PreviousByte As Int 'actually just the top 2 bits
Dim ThisByte As Int = 0 'actually just the top 2 bits
Dim InvalidUTF8Flag As Boolean = False
For i = 0 To TextBytes.Length - 1
PreviousByte = ThisByte
ThisByte = Bit.And(TextBytes(I), 0xC0) 'top 2 bits
If PreviousByte = 0xC0 Then 'if multibyte start
If ThisByte <> 0x80 Then 'not followed by multibyte continuation
InvalidUTF8Flag = True
End If
else if ThisByte = 0x80 Then 'if multibyte continuation
If PreviousByte < 0x80 Then 'not preceded by multibyte start or continuation
InvalidUTF8Flag = True
End If
End If
If InvalidUTF8Flag Then
Return "windows-1252"
Return "UTF-8" 'or plain ASCII
End If
End Sub
Sub GetSeparatorCharFromFile(strFolder As String, strFile As String, strCharSet As String, iLines As Int) As ResumableSub
Dim i As Int
Dim n As Int
Dim oTR As TextReader
Dim strLine As String
Dim iCount As Int
Dim lstMaps As List
Dim oMap As Map
Dim oMapCharAndCount As Map
Dim strKey As String
oTR.Initialize2(File.OpenInput(strFolder, strFile), strCharSet)
Do While True
strLine = oTR.ReadLine
If strLine = Null Then Exit
n = n + 1
If n = iLines Then Exit
For i = 0 To lstMaps.Size - 1
oMap = lstMaps.Get(i)
For Each oKey As Object In oMap.Keys
strKey = oKey & oMap.Get(oKey)
If oMapCharAndCount.ContainsKey(strKey) Then
iCount = oMapCharAndCount.Get(strKey)
oMapCharAndCount.Put(strKey, iCount + 1)
oMapCharAndCount.Put(strKey, 1)
End If
For Each oKey As Object In oMapCharAndCount.Keys
If iLines = oMapCharAndCount.Get(oKey) Then
Return CStr(oKey).CharAt(0)
End If
End Sub
Sub CStr(o As String) As String
Return o
End Sub
Sub TestTextReader
Dim c As Int 'ignore
Dim n As Int
Dim oTR As TextReader
Dim lBytes As Long
Dim strLine As String
Dim iCols As Int
Dim lstCSV As List
Dim arrDataTypes() As String
Dim rs As ResumableSub = PickFile("Parse a .csv or .txt file", _
"Pick a .csv or .txt file or a folder", _
File.DirRootExternal & "/PhonePats", _
Array As String("csv", "txt"), _
Wait For (rs) Complete (tFF As tFolderAndFile)
RAF.Initialize(tFF.strFolder, tFF.strFile, True)
lBytes = 1000 'this is enough at least in case of the SCL.csv file
Dim arrBytes(lBytes) As Byte
RAF.ReadBytes(arrBytes, 0, lBytes, 0)
Dim rs1 As ResumableSub = DetectCharacterEncoding(arrBytes)
Wait For (rs1) Complete (strCharset As String)
Log(strCharset) '>> windows-1252
Dim rs1 As ResumableSub = GetSeparatorCharFromFile(tFF.strFolder, tFF.strFile, strCharset, 4)
Wait For (rs1) Complete (oChar As Char)
Log("separator char: " & oChar)
Forgot to exclude certain chars from being the separator char, corrected that now and seems to work fine so far.> 2/ there will be at least n of them on almost every line
I coded something based on a similar idea:
B4X:Sub GetCharCounts(strLine As String) As Map Dim i As Int Dim mapCountChars As Map Dim iCount As Int Dim oChar As Char mapCountChars.Initialize For i = 0 To strLine.Length - 1 oChar = strLine.CharAt(i) If mapCountChars.ContainsKey(oChar) Then iCount = mapCountChars.Get(oChar) mapCountChars.Put(oChar, iCount + 1) Else mapCountChars.Put(oChar, 1) End If Next Return mapCountChars End Sub Sub DetectCharacterEncoding(TextBytes() As Byte) As ResumableSub Dim i As Long Dim PreviousByte As Int 'actually just the top 2 bits Dim ThisByte As Int = 0 'actually just the top 2 bits Dim InvalidUTF8Flag As Boolean = False For i = 0 To TextBytes.Length - 1 PreviousByte = ThisByte ThisByte = Bit.And(TextBytes(I), 0xC0) 'top 2 bits If PreviousByte = 0xC0 Then 'if multibyte start If ThisByte <> 0x80 Then 'not followed by multibyte continuation InvalidUTF8Flag = True Exit End If else if ThisByte = 0x80 Then 'if multibyte continuation If PreviousByte < 0x80 Then 'not preceded by multibyte start or continuation InvalidUTF8Flag = True Exit End If End If Next If InvalidUTF8Flag Then Return "windows-1252" Else Return "UTF-8" 'or plain ASCII End If End Sub Sub GetSeparatorCharFromFile(strFolder As String, strFile As String, strCharSet As String, iLines As Int) As ResumableSub Dim i As Int Dim n As Int Dim oTR As TextReader Dim strLine As String Dim iCount As Int Dim lstMaps As List Dim oMap As Map Dim oMapCharAndCount As Map Dim strKey As String oTR.Initialize2(File.OpenInput(strFolder, strFile), strCharSet) lstMaps.Initialize Do While True strLine = oTR.ReadLine If strLine = Null Then Exit lstMaps.Add(GetCharCounts(strLine)) n = n + 1 If n = iLines Then Exit Loop oTR.Close oMapCharAndCount.Initialize For i = 0 To lstMaps.Size - 1 oMap = lstMaps.Get(i) For Each oKey As Object In oMap.Keys strKey = oKey & oMap.Get(oKey) If oMapCharAndCount.ContainsKey(strKey) Then iCount = oMapCharAndCount.Get(strKey) oMapCharAndCount.Put(strKey, iCount + 1) Else oMapCharAndCount.Put(strKey, 1) End If Next Next For Each oKey As Object In oMapCharAndCount.Keys If iLines = oMapCharAndCount.Get(oKey) Then Return CStr(oKey).CharAt(0) End If Next End Sub Sub CStr(o As String) As String Return o End Sub Sub TestTextReader Dim c As Int 'ignore Dim n As Int Dim oTR As TextReader Dim lBytes As Long Dim strLine As String Dim iCols As Int Dim lstCSV As List Dim arrDataTypes() As String Dim rs As ResumableSub = PickFile("Parse a .csv or .txt file", _ "Pick a .csv or .txt file or a folder", _ File.DirRootExternal & "/PhonePats", _ Array As String("csv", "txt"), _ True) Wait For (rs) Complete (tFF As tFolderAndFile) StartSW(0) RAF.Initialize(tFF.strFolder, tFF.strFile, True) lBytes = 1000 'this is enough at least in case of the SCL.csv file Dim arrBytes(lBytes) As Byte RAF.ReadBytes(arrBytes, 0, lBytes, 0) Dim rs1 As ResumableSub = DetectCharacterEncoding(arrBytes) Wait For (rs1) Complete (strCharset As String) Log(strCharset) '>> windows-1252 Dim rs1 As ResumableSub = GetSeparatorCharFromFile(tFF.strFolder, tFF.strFile, strCharset, 4) Wait For (rs1) Complete (oChar As Char) Log("separator char: " & oChar) Return
Will test later.
Sub GetSeparatorCharFromFile(strFolder As String, strFile As String, strCharSet As String, iLines As Int) As ResumableSub
Dim i As Int
Dim n As Int
Dim oTR As TextReader
Dim strLine As String
Dim iCount As Int
Dim lstMaps As List
Dim oMap As Map
Dim oMapCharAndCount As Map
Dim strKey As String
Dim strPossibleSeparator As Char
Dim strExclude As String = " 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
oTR.Initialize2(File.OpenInput(strFolder, strFile), strCharSet)
Do While True
strLine = oTR.ReadLine
If strLine = Null Then Exit
n = n + 1
If n = iLines Then Exit
For i = 0 To lstMaps.Size - 1
oMap = lstMaps.Get(i)
For Each oKey As Object In oMap.Keys
strKey = oKey & oMap.Get(oKey)
If oMapCharAndCount.ContainsKey(strKey) Then
iCount = oMapCharAndCount.Get(strKey)
oMapCharAndCount.Put(strKey, iCount + 1)
oMapCharAndCount.Put(strKey, 1)
End If
For Each oKey As Object In oMapCharAndCount.Keys
If iLines = oMapCharAndCount.Get(oKey) Then
strPossibleSeparator = CStr(oKey).CharAt(0)
If strExclude.Contains(strPossibleSeparator) = False Then
Return strPossibleSeparator
End If
End If
End Sub
Forgot to exclude certain chars from being the separator char, corrected that now and seems to work fine so far.
Dim strExclude As String = " ' "" 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 'includes quote and double-quote
Good point, will change that.I haven't run your code here, so I could be wrong about this, but I feel like string-enclosing characters should be excluded too, otherwise if you have a data file with many columns of enclosed strings, those characters are going to have high and consistent counts per line, and thus look like field separators.
B4X:Dim strExclude As String = " ' "" 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 'includes quote and double-quote
feel like string-enclosing characters should be excluded too
Did it work OK?Created test file of first thousand pharmacies, with 36 double-quotes added to each line, to test separator identifying.
(during ad breaks watching Crocodile Dundee on tv ? )
Did it work OK?
Will test your code in a bit (after lunch and watching Bargain Hunt) and let you know.I still haven't installed B4A on this laptop.
Have tested your file now and all working perfectly fine.Created test file of first thousand pharmacies, with 36 double-quotes added to each line, to test separator identifying.
(during ad breaks watching Crocodile Dundee on tv ? )
I spoke too soon as there was a major bug in the code to determine any separator Char.Have tested your file now and all working perfectly fine.
Finding the right column separator char (¬) and the data in the SQLite table was all fine as well.
As the SQLite table column names had leading and trailing double quotes as well I added some code to take these off, although there was no harm from it.
As all seems sorted now I will summarize this very long thread now in a bit and call it solved.
Sub CountFieldsInTextLine(strCSVLine As String, strSeparator As String, strEncloser As String) As Int
Dim c As Int
Dim iEndIndex As Int
Dim bInsideQuotes As Boolean = False
If strSeparator.Length = 0 Then
Return 1
End If
For iEndIndex = 0 To strCSVLine.Length - 1
If strCSVLine.CharAt(iEndIndex) = strEncloser Then
bInsideQuotes = bInsideQuotes = False
If strCSVLine.CharAt(iEndIndex) = strSeparator Then
If bInsideQuotes = False Then
c = c + 1
End If
End If
End If
Return c + 1
End Sub
Sub GetCharCounts(strLine As String, strEncloser As String) As Map
Dim i As Int
Dim bInsideQuotes As Boolean
Dim mapCountChars As Map
Dim iCount As Int
Dim oChar As Char
For i = 0 To strLine.Length - 1
oChar = strLine.CharAt(i)
If oChar = strEncloser Then
bInsideQuotes = bInsideQuotes = False
If bInsideQuotes = False Then
If mapCountChars.ContainsKey(oChar) Then
iCount = mapCountChars.Get(oChar)
mapCountChars.Put(oChar, iCount + 1)
mapCountChars.Put(oChar, 1)
End If
End If
End If
Return mapCountChars
End Sub
Sub GetSeparatorCharFromFile(strFolder As String, strFile As String, _
strCharSet As String, strEncloser As String, iLines As Int) As ResumableSub
Dim i As Int
Dim n As Int
Dim oTR As TextReader
Dim strLine As String
Dim iCount As Int
Dim lstMaps As List
Dim oMap As Map
Dim oMapCharAndCount As Map
Dim strKey As String
Dim strPossibleSeparator As Char
Dim strExclude As String = " ' "" 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 'includes quote and double-quote
oTR.Initialize2(File.OpenInput(strFolder, strFile), strCharSet)
Do While True
strLine = oTR.ReadLine
If strLine = Null Then
iLines = n
End If
lstMaps.Add(GetCharCounts(strLine, strEncloser))
n = n + 1
If n = iLines Then
End If
For i = 0 To lstMaps.Size - 1
oMap = lstMaps.Get(i)
For Each oKey As Object In oMap.Keys
strKey = oKey & oMap.Get(oKey)
If oMapCharAndCount.ContainsKey(strKey) Then
iCount = oMapCharAndCount.Get(strKey)
oMapCharAndCount.Put(strKey, iCount + 1)
oMapCharAndCount.Put(strKey, 1)
End If
For Each oKey As Object In oMapCharAndCount.Keys
If iLines = oMapCharAndCount.Get(oKey) Then
strPossibleSeparator = CStr(oKey).CharAt(0)
'Log("strPossibleSeparator: |" & strPossibleSeparator & "|")
If strExclude.Contains(strPossibleSeparator) = False Then
Return strPossibleSeparator
End If
End If
'need to return something and can't return Null
Return ""
End Sub
Sub ParseCSVLine(strCSVLine As String, iCols As Int, strSeparator As String, strEncloser As String) As String()
'Log("ParseCSVLine, iCols: "& iCols)
Dim c As Int
Dim arrValues(iCols) As String
Dim iStartIndex As Int
Dim iEndIndex As Int
Dim bInsideQuotes As Boolean = False
If strSeparator.Length = 0 Then
arrValues(0) = strCSVLine
Return arrValues
End If
For iEndIndex = 0 To strCSVLine.Length - 1
If strCSVLine.CharAt(iEndIndex) = strEncloser Then
bInsideQuotes = bInsideQuotes = False
If strCSVLine.CharAt(iEndIndex) = strSeparator Then
If bInsideQuotes = False Then
arrValues(c) = strCSVLine.SubString2(iStartIndex, iEndIndex)
iStartIndex = iEndIndex + 1
c = c + 1
End If
End If
End If
arrValues(c) = strCSVLine.SubString2(iStartIndex, iEndIndex )
Return arrValues
End Sub
As this is now a very long thread I will summarize and re-save it as resolved.I spoke too soon as there was a major bug in the code to determine any separator Char.
Hadn't tested fully, that is not tested on enclosed separators and also not tested on files with no separators, so where there is only one column.
Also in the code to determine the separator char there could be less lines in the file than the specified number of lines to test and that needed fixing.
Have fixed this now, but won't close this thread for now.
Adjusted code:
B4X:Sub CountFieldsInTextLine(strCSVLine As String, strSeparator As String, strEncloser As String) As Int Dim c As Int Dim iEndIndex As Int Dim bInsideQuotes As Boolean = False If strSeparator.Length = 0 Then Return 1 End If For iEndIndex = 0 To strCSVLine.Length - 1 If strCSVLine.CharAt(iEndIndex) = strEncloser Then bInsideQuotes = bInsideQuotes = False Else If strCSVLine.CharAt(iEndIndex) = strSeparator Then If bInsideQuotes = False Then c = c + 1 End If End If End If Next Return c + 1 End Sub Sub GetCharCounts(strLine As String, strEncloser As String) As Map Dim i As Int Dim bInsideQuotes As Boolean Dim mapCountChars As Map Dim iCount As Int Dim oChar As Char mapCountChars.Initialize For i = 0 To strLine.Length - 1 oChar = strLine.CharAt(i) If oChar = strEncloser Then bInsideQuotes = bInsideQuotes = False Else If bInsideQuotes = False Then If mapCountChars.ContainsKey(oChar) Then iCount = mapCountChars.Get(oChar) mapCountChars.Put(oChar, iCount + 1) Else mapCountChars.Put(oChar, 1) End If End If End If Next Return mapCountChars End Sub Sub GetSeparatorCharFromFile(strFolder As String, strFile As String, _ strCharSet As String, strEncloser As String, iLines As Int) As ResumableSub Dim i As Int Dim n As Int Dim oTR As TextReader Dim strLine As String Dim iCount As Int Dim lstMaps As List Dim oMap As Map Dim oMapCharAndCount As Map Dim strKey As String Dim strPossibleSeparator As Char Dim strExclude As String = " ' "" 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 'includes quote and double-quote oTR.Initialize2(File.OpenInput(strFolder, strFile), strCharSet) lstMaps.Initialize Do While True strLine = oTR.ReadLine If strLine = Null Then iLines = n Exit End If lstMaps.Add(GetCharCounts(strLine, strEncloser)) n = n + 1 If n = iLines Then Exit End If Loop oTR.Close oMapCharAndCount.Initialize For i = 0 To lstMaps.Size - 1 oMap = lstMaps.Get(i) For Each oKey As Object In oMap.Keys strKey = oKey & oMap.Get(oKey) If oMapCharAndCount.ContainsKey(strKey) Then iCount = oMapCharAndCount.Get(strKey) oMapCharAndCount.Put(strKey, iCount + 1) Else oMapCharAndCount.Put(strKey, 1) End If Next Next For Each oKey As Object In oMapCharAndCount.Keys 'Log(oKey) If iLines = oMapCharAndCount.Get(oKey) Then strPossibleSeparator = CStr(oKey).CharAt(0) 'Log("strPossibleSeparator: |" & strPossibleSeparator & "|") If strExclude.Contains(strPossibleSeparator) = False Then Return strPossibleSeparator End If End If Next 'need to return something and can't return Null Return "" End Sub Sub ParseCSVLine(strCSVLine As String, iCols As Int, strSeparator As String, strEncloser As String) As String() 'Log("ParseCSVLine, iCols: "& iCols) Dim c As Int Dim arrValues(iCols) As String Dim iStartIndex As Int Dim iEndIndex As Int Dim bInsideQuotes As Boolean = False If strSeparator.Length = 0 Then arrValues(0) = strCSVLine Return arrValues End If For iEndIndex = 0 To strCSVLine.Length - 1 If strCSVLine.CharAt(iEndIndex) = strEncloser Then bInsideQuotes = bInsideQuotes = False Else If strCSVLine.CharAt(iEndIndex) = strSeparator Then If bInsideQuotes = False Then arrValues(c) = strCSVLine.SubString2(iStartIndex, iEndIndex) iStartIndex = iEndIndex + 1 c = c + 1 End If End If End If Next arrValues(c) = strCSVLine.SubString2(iStartIndex, iEndIndex ) Return arrValues End Sub
Also I am not sure if it is OK to use TextReader.
Have seen posts where it is not recommended to use this, unless you are dealing with files that are not UTF-8 encoded.
I wonder if this should be stated as:
unless you are dealing with files that are not UTF-8 encoded or files that are very large.
Also I am interested to know what exactly is wrong with using TextReader.
Sub GetCharacterEncodingFromFile(tFF As tFolderAndFile, lLookAtXBytes As Long) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim RAF As RandomAccessFile
Dim lBytes As Long
Dim PreviousByte As Int 'actually just the top 2 bits
Dim ThisByte As Int = 0 'actually just the top 2 bits
Dim InvalidUTF8Flag As Boolean = False
RAF.Initialize(tFF.strFolder, tFF.strFile, True)
lBytes = lLookAtXBytes
Dim TextBytes(lBytes) As Byte
RAF.ReadBytes(TextBytes, 0, lBytes, 0)
For i = 0 To TextBytes.Length - 1
PreviousByte = ThisByte
ThisByte = Bit.And(TextBytes(i), 0xC0) 'top 2 bits
If PreviousByte = 0xC0 Then 'if multibyte start
If ThisByte <> 0x80 Then 'not followed by multibyte continuation
InvalidUTF8Flag = True
End If
else if ThisByte = 0x80 Then 'if multibyte continuation
If PreviousByte < 0x80 Then 'not preceded by multibyte start or continuation
InvalidUTF8Flag = True
End If
End If
If InvalidUTF8Flag Then
Return "windows-1252"
Return "UTF-8" 'or plain ASCII
End If
End Sub
Sub GetCharCounts(strLine As String, strEncloser As String) As Map
Dim i As Int
Dim bInsideQuotes As Boolean
Dim mapCountChars As Map
Dim iCount As Int
Dim oChar As Char
For i = 0 To strLine.Length - 1
oChar = strLine.CharAt(i)
If oChar = strEncloser Then
bInsideQuotes = bInsideQuotes = False
If bInsideQuotes = False Then
If mapCountChars.ContainsKey(oChar) Then
iCount = mapCountChars.Get(oChar)
mapCountChars.Put(oChar, iCount + 1)
mapCountChars.Put(oChar, 1)
End If
End If
End If
Return mapCountChars
End Sub
Sub GetSeparatorCharFromFile(strFolder As String, strFile As String, _
strCharSet As String, strEncloser As String, iLines As Int) As ResumableSub
Dim i As Int
Dim n As Int
Dim oTR As TextReader
Dim strLine As String
Dim iCount As Int
Dim lstMaps As List
Dim oMap As Map
Dim oMapCharAndCount As Map
Dim strKey As String
Dim strPossibleSeparator As Char
Dim strExclude As String = " ' "" 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 'includes quote and double-quote
oTR.Initialize2(File.OpenInput(strFolder, strFile), strCharSet)
Do While True
strLine = oTR.ReadLine
If strLine = Null Then
iLines = n
End If
lstMaps.Add(GetCharCounts(strLine, strEncloser))
n = n + 1
If n = iLines Then
End If
For i = 0 To lstMaps.Size - 1
oMap = lstMaps.Get(i)
For Each oKey As Object In oMap.Keys
strKey = oKey & oMap.Get(oKey)
If oMapCharAndCount.ContainsKey(strKey) Then
iCount = oMapCharAndCount.Get(strKey)
oMapCharAndCount.Put(strKey, iCount + 1)
oMapCharAndCount.Put(strKey, 1)
End If
For Each oKey As Object In oMapCharAndCount.Keys
If iLines = oMapCharAndCount.Get(oKey) Then
strPossibleSeparator = CStr(oKey).CharAt(0)
'Log("strPossibleSeparator: |" & strPossibleSeparator & "|")
If strExclude.Contains(strPossibleSeparator) = False Then
Return strPossibleSeparator
End If
End If
'need to return something and can't return Null
Return ""
End Sub
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