Please note. BVAD3 is built using VueJS. The leaflet lib being used is also based on VueJS, so you just cannot use a plug a play approach of any JS library in this case.
The marker for rotation that you need to use should be VueJS based and all plugins that you need to use should be VueJS based.
I have not been ignoring you, one of the challenges we have in our country is
very terrible electricity cuts, so I have to prioritize between open source and projects that bring food to the table for my kids. My main source of any income is SithasoDaisy right now.
I need to use
https://github.com/mudin/vue2-leaflet-rotatedmarker for your use case. Currently this is the issue I am facing when I added the VueJS library today.
I needed to study how it works and whether it can work with the current BVAD3 VueLeafLet library.
View attachment 140355
I am curious though, you seem to use images for your markers. Why dont you just create the images you want, rotate and save them the way you want and just add a marker using the rotated image? That could be an easier alternative.
I will investigate further how I make this work so long, however the bold section above could be your best approach and far more easier, of course depending on how many images you want to rotate.
It does not work and will never work as per your question you posted here because this
an apple vs an orange use case for this VueLeaflet library.
https://vue2-leaflet.netlify.app/plugins/ I see a lot of useful Plugins added to Leaflet, But B4J users seem to only be able to use the basic Leaflet functions that are wrapped, but cannot use the extended functions like the others. . I don't know how to include Plugins (*.js) in B4J, resulting...