Hi, I using the OkHttpUtils2 library per to communicate with my server via JSON message.
Sometimes I have the error "ResponseError. Reason: Internal Server Error, Response:" and I can'receive the data.
Like the post: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...ad-of-a-file-fails-httputils2-succeeds.87041/
I removed the OkHttpUtils2 library and I added the two source code file of this (HttpJob.bas and HttpUtils2Service.bas) but I have the error:
B4A Versione: 7.80
Analisi del Codice. Error
Errore Analisi Programma.
Descrizione errore: Tipo sconosciuto: okhttprequest
Manca un riferimento ad una libreria?
Errore nella linea: 11 (HttpJob)
Private req As OkHttpRequest
The row 11 is:
Must add I some library?
Sometimes I have the error "ResponseError. Reason: Internal Server Error, Response:" and I can'receive the data.
Like the post: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...ad-of-a-file-fails-httputils2-succeeds.87041/
I removed the OkHttpUtils2 library and I added the two source code file of this (HttpJob.bas and HttpUtils2Service.bas) but I have the error:
B4A Versione: 7.80
Analisi del Codice. Error
Errore Analisi Programma.
Descrizione errore: Tipo sconosciuto: okhttprequest
Manca un riferimento ad una libreria?
Errore nella linea: 11 (HttpJob)
Private req As OkHttpRequest
The row 11 is:
Private req As OkHttpRequest
Must add I some library?